In Europe, tech inspection data reveal the V60 and XC60 to be as reliable as Toyota. In Germany, 0 issues with corrosion are reported, which is noted as special in the market.
In Europe, tech inspection data reveal the V60 and XC60 to be as reliable as Toyota. In Germany, 0 issues with corrosion are reported, which is noted as special in the market.
Put it up on BaT and it may still fetch a decent price.
Surgically applied rust spots?
Demon...scrolling the front page, my Freudian subconsciousness turns it into “Lemon”. Making a badge of it would surely be the next level of honesty and/or marketing kazoo.
Where are the Volvos? Similar surveys put them on top, next to the Taxi brand, of course.
So in many ways it’s a Jalop car? Less of the fancy, annoying tech no one needs, reliable, simple, cheap?
Did you say “utility”?
Wait, we’re not talking 1982 dollars?
Yeah, I agree. I had a ‘71 145 with a complete manual and ownership history for a while. Always thought I had scanned and archived this stuff, but I can’t find it now. The manual even had thorough tips on how to wash the car, driving tips (in the rain, remember to tap the brakes occasionally to keep the rotors dry)…
This article is getting two years old, but, sadly, it outlines much the same issues and challenges:
More importantly, how do you find such a deserted four lane road during the day?
Watch the video, read the text. It rolls into the door, mounted to the upper frame, than clicked inside.
Fixing a seatbelt to a flimsy GM crapcan’s just a wee bit less safe than gaffataping yourself to the seat every time you get in, and just slightly more complicated.
Living life like a video game.
I get why these cars are not on the road. But has someone attempted to calculate the environmental impact of this massive decommissioning experiment? It’s nuts. Perfectly fine cars with billions of miles left in them start decaying, getting replaced by a probably equal number of only marginally better eco-quality. We…
Most excellent post. Really learning something here.
The BTCC remains unbeaten when in comes to aggressive, entertaining driving in relatable, recognizable cars. And Donington Park is a great of my favourites in Codemasters’ TOCA series.
I’ve so far managed to stay away from GTA after having owned 1, 2 and 3. I fear to get hooked, irreversibly.