
Not to mention half the races are being shown on regular old low-tech OTA broadcast television. So I don’t need a subscription to one of those fancy-pants cable services like you rich folks got.

I tried watching a race last season, and the part that I struggled with the most (coming in as a fan of WEC, F1 and FE) is that none of the commentators have British accents. It was just jarring.

He was singing “in all our sons command” when it’s now “in all of us command.” We won’t “stand” for that shit.

I agree that height played a large role in it but under the new rules that doesn’t matter. They have moved the onus on the player making the hit to ensure the primary point of contact isn’t the head. Obviously this can be tough for a player of Chara’s size, but a rule is a rule.

Ratings went down a little in 2017 and everyone in the league reacted as if the Black Plague had returned to prominence.

It’s to address fans’ complaints of there being too much passing.

Billionaires - they’re JUST LIKE US!

It’s The Godfather, except every character was replaced with Fredo.


No, but “Trail of Cheers” was definitely a finalist.

Build a wall at the three point line and make Golden State pay for it. Shut down the NBA until they agree to do so.

You guys really like to refer to Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer as “Mike ‘Nuke The Gays’ Priefer”. Have you ever considered that Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer maybe doesn’t like being called Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer? Did you reach out to Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer for comment? Please be more mindful of what Mike

Arians looks like the personification of Paddington Bear after being stung by 1000 wasps.

I can’t imagine a better fit for a corny motherfucker like Winston than a white dude in a Kangol.

if the Falcons don’t start calling their o-line the Sweathogs after welcoming back Koetter I will, like their fans, be disappointed

I fully expect his employers to put a stop to this and punish him appropriately. They are an upstanding organization who has a well documented history of rebuking offensive and immature behavior, be it in word, image or deed. One can always trust them to do what is right, not because they stand to gain, but because it

Exactly - the words “artisanal” and “free trade” don’t appear once!

Ben Roethlisberger (allegedly) raped at least two women and is a huge douchenozzle who regularly throws his coaches and fellow players under the bus, and also (once again) he probably definitely sexually assaulted at least two people, but sure, let’s keep talking about Antonio Brown is the bad guy.

Yeah, a framed printout of a digital ticket that is 70% ads and 5% barcode is definitely the same thing as having a physical ticket as a souvenir.  Sure thing.