

When did they start installing turf in migrant children’s detention centers?

This story is so, so sad to me.

How many of those ‘Real Americans’ wrote or said nasty things about Jemele Hill last year? I’m going to guess all of them.

“Tennessee Jeff” is perhaps Sacha Baron Cohen’s best work. Bravo. 

His supporters say there’s no proof Urban did anything wrong. His detractors say there’s no proof he did the right thing. Both are, for the moment, correct.”

Well at least they were doing that instead of beating their wives.

Newman and Garner were cooler movie star car guys in my book. Just sayin’.

I almost photoshopped a green Beetle into a bunch of these pics.

I’m a shit photographer. The car did most of the heavy lifting here. It’s hard to make that color look bad in any setting. 

Patrick, those photos are EXCELLENT. All yours? (Only see your credit for the first photo).

Or he’s a white supremacist who thinks black people daring to criticize him are getting too uppity.

At least he is going to a contually improving works team rather than a formerly competitive team with an unproven poewplant.

I’m worried this is going to be like Alonso, great driver in a car that is too far from the front to really do anything.

You could try reading the article to see what their specific issue is with the way it was handled by the Times. Of course, that would require effort instead of going straight to the comments so you can get some stars.

Although, when he flies over the handlebars with no helmet, it takes you out of the moment a bit because, well, the rest of the movie takes place in the afterlife. 

Then the Times fucked up by not preempting it. "Hey, we hired this great new writer. Here's some awesome things about her we are excited about. Also, FYI, when we hired her, of course we saw these tweets. We talked about it and we're all comfortable with the tweets not amounting to anything, so fuck off with the

Yeah they were. One of the ways you can tell they’re funny is how flustered white dudes get about them. That’s part of what makes them funny!

it’s literally explained in the article