
His job is to play football, not fall in line for a dumb song that has shit to do with football.

Earth is flat. no other planets exist, duh. More like Neil deGrasse LIE-son.

Ok, but how many lights do you see four, or five? Is it an easy question to answer.

Comes with a free cease-and-desist order from Disney-Pixar and a free sex offender registration. CP.

Oh, man, don’t get me wrong, I have no illusions that ESPN or any other large company does anything for any reason other than money.

Is next week’s column about how actually, black people are the real racists, when you think about it?

and when he starts to fight Lozo he’s doing it from his personal account which isn’t verified while Lozo’s is. So at least twitter is clear who is who.

Look, the only reason people think Trump is a white supremacist is because of the things he says and does. If the media would just stop reporting on the president, no one would think such mean thoughts about him.

Dallas should punish him by suspending him 6 games.

They would really appreciate if you give him a name without the baggage and optics of “racist” or “white supremacist”. The belief system is fine, they just dont like the aspect of bigotry that incites public condemnation

God, I would actually subscribe to ESPN if they did that.

What I find extra depressing is how little coverage this got. 8 people dead (and one asshole) and you have to search deep to find it on any of the major news networks. Some people get injured in London and it’s all over the news, the president is tweeting about it, and we’re getting live updates from the scene.

Interestingly, the White House has had no problem accusing various individuals of having committed crimes when no crimes have occurred (e.g., Comey’s “illegally leaking classified information,” Obama’s “illegally wire-tapping Trump Tower,” Rice’s “illegally unmasking Americans’ identities”), yet the White House has

Using his government position to silence critics in the media?

You know what guys? We should make up a bunch of signs and go and picket Floyd’s house. It would frustrate and confuse the shit out of him.

Apparently their hovercraft really was full of eels.

Yes, everyone is well aware of Jemele Hill’s outspoken support for Bill Ayers.

Talking out your ass *is* the GOP platform.

Is she related to Mike Huckabee? Because she’s a terrible human being and she shares her maiden name with him.

She “can’t think of anything worse.” Got it. You know, I kind of feel like SHS isn’t always thinking her comments through before she says them out loud from behind a lectern at the White House.