
Well, there’s another Black manager out of the MLB...

To be fair, that’s not just sports. People don’t give a fuck about any issue, big or small, until it affects someone we’ve decided is important.

Vito is eating Jonnycakes in New Hampshire by now.

This is such a shame because Arizona is otherwise known for its longstanding history of rational, levelheaded thinking and decision-making.

You’re 100% right—what the Constitution says in the First Amendment is “No private citizen may ever say anything bad about any other citizens who are peaceably assembling.” Nailed it.

How oddly appropriate that Snyder has chosen to leave behind him a trail of tiers.

I like to think of this as a piece of performance art, called “The Inside Of Your Dad’s Brain.”

I didn’t. But more because I knew it would be a boring ass twelve round decision for Mayweather than because of some moral high ground

That picture is the comedy gift that keeps on giving.

One of my favorite things about boxing is hearing some of the crazy, in denial shit boxers will say. In the post fight interview, Kirkland said something like “my hand was down and he got in a good shot and then the referee called off the fight” as if he could have continued. Kirkland looked like he was dead. There

He can’t refer to Roger Goodell’s anatomy.

Fine, but nobody’s more angry at a crappy driver going left and into the water than Mary Jo Kopechne.

The guy who played the coach on “White Shadow”.

An autonomous collective


Hm. Only 4 days after the draft.

we have concluded that it is more probable than not that Jim McNally (the Officials Locker Room attendant for the Patriots) and John Jastremski (an equipment assistant for the Patriots) participated in a deliberate effort to release air from Patriots game balls after the balls were examined by the referee

You’re missing the point. I’m not saying they *should* have interviewed Winston’s accuser. I’d have criticized them for doing it. I’m saying the entire idea that NFL teams do—or should—scout the “character” of players is stupid branding nonsense, the only purpose of which is to construct a narrative flattering to the

Floyd got confused. He forgot you hug women and punch boxers, not the other way around.

Al Davis flame? Why not just keep it classy and have a large bronze politician ass raping a citizen while Roger Goodell fingers his bellybutton?