Dark lord me

Dang was really looking forward to getting this on my iPad, oh well I will have to wait another 2 months that's fine by me

Yeah but that was 7 years ago storage prices have changed dramatically since then and back then there was far less DLC

oh I agree they sure are packing a lot into it but at the price they start at ($299) that is mid range tablet space. The Kindle fire starts at $150, the Nexus 7 is $199 the new Fire is also $199 (i know the storage but still) the iPad 2 is $399 they just seem like a weird price point. If they had the flagship iPod

The new iPod touch starts at $299 for the 32 gig

That's not the new iPod touch that's the old one

Agreed the only problem is the price. It starts at $299 sure it is a 32 gig but i would of much preferred a 16 gig at $199 that I would buy but at $299 for an extra $16 no thank you

Frankly them going in to it knowing it is their final season is a lot better then them going in not knowing. So they should hopefully tie up some loose ends

Yeah but I think this is different it's not some kind of plan improvement like more data or caller id

Sure when Rogers will give me $400+ to cancel... And yeah I really wish they had data share like Rogers because even if it were $10 more a month i would pay that

Because Apple always raises the price when new generations come out.. oh wait they never do that

This is Quebec were talking about... remember ...

She is the Premier, our version of a Governor i think and she said that she would be the next Prime Minister which is our version of a President

*looks at my Windows phone and Nexus 7*

Umm i am pretty sure that he could still activate the plan

Telus doesn't offer that =(

Assuming you unlock the device yes it would work on Rogers, Bell and Telus

Yeah I wish Android had somehting baked into the OS like it is on iOS and Windows phone so you didn't have to get various apps that may or may not work in varying circumstances

All NA models and Korean models got 2 gigs of ram

Pretty much. I can't believe thiefs haven't learnt this yet

Hmm I never thought of latitude and as of i think iOS 5 it was baked into the OS.