Dark lord me

Except we would be able to update our devices =P

You live in Canada also?

Agreed i got about 80 gigs free so i have lots of room for pictures

Paul Miller Nuff' said

They will use Bluetooth in place of NFC for things like iOS Beam and iWallet and everyone will praise Apple for being so original and creating a new industry

And this is why for our Olympics in Vancouver we build a bunch of temp events though our olympic village is still pretty empty. A few new buildings were built but many were existing ones

Yeah I live about 40 min from the border just outside Vancouver and we have EB games and Gamerstop though Gamestop seems to be much smaller

I think you have to go into labs and turn on the +/-

Ours are called EB games but some are called Gamestop

You should see Canadian Nexii mine just got 4.0.2 because it was in for repair and the bumped up the software

Take a look at the Optimus Vu and then shrink it down... no one liked the Vu

"I have a 20xx model device"

The channel who is showing it here in Canada their app only shows ads and then cuts out when it would show you the live event (Thanks Bell)

This shows the OEM's that they need to actually work on creating a great product and not just reusing existing designs and not being creative. It's them lighting a fire under the OEM's saying you either do it good or you don't do it at all and I support their move

So say we all

Get one for Paul Miller

Holy... How much have you actually spent?

MS really seems to be appealing to developers and this is a really good length to test out an app and to make sure there arent bugs and quarks

I found that oddly disturbing as well... hopefully it causes law enforcement to take a look at the armoury

Oh Kotor how I miss you ;( What I wouldn't give fora proper (non online) sequel... alas i shall wait for Kotor III