Whew. Articles by non-gamers that don’t understand the current gaming climate, or that Witcher 3 is the hands down Game of the Year... tough to read, man. Embarrassing.
Whew. Articles by non-gamers that don’t understand the current gaming climate, or that Witcher 3 is the hands down Game of the Year... tough to read, man. Embarrassing.
Honestly, people actually still use disk drives? I mean sure, I still have Blu-Ray DVD’s in my house, but have since converted them onto my PC and just use PLEX on my computer (free version) and use the media player on my XB-One. I mean it’s simple, easy and you don’t have to pop in disks. You should probably look…
If you write for a tech blog and have to go out to buy a mini-usb cable because you don't have one (or dozens) laying around you're writing for the wrong industry.....
Hey Albert have you considered just being a whiny internet nerd instead of a (two-time certified) sex-haver? Because then this stuff wouldn’t bother you, apparently.
He was not better than Aron (who ended up being injured) or Mix. Wondo, yes. Not the other two. Plus he couldn’t even make it through a full practice without bitching and he retired 3 months later, not to mention that he sucked in MLS in the first half of that season. He was one of the worst players on the Galaxy at…
We encouraged the Arab Spring thinking, naively, that it would give rise to Jeffersonian Democracy in a region that historically never had a tradition of participatory government. All it did was sweep aside established autocrats and allow fundamentalists to take their place.
A good case could be made for that. What the North Vietnamese did immediately after America left was depose Pol Pot in Cambodia.
If you don’t know how that was our doing, you’re either not paying attention or you’re an absolute moron, like RagingBulldog.
I thought someone put you assholes out of business?
I thought someone put you assholes out of business?
And if you have any kind of bone issue in your foot, this is the last thing you should ever wear. Hell, don’t wear them if you just want to avoid that problem. I’d rather run barefoot.
And if you have any kind of bone issue in your foot, this is the last thing you should ever wear. Hell, don’t wear…
These are horrible for your feet. I get the concept of barefoot running but it was intended for surfaces that have some give like grass or even dirt - not streets and sidewalks. You will destroy your feet and your knees in these not to mention look like a tool.
These are horrible for your feet. I get the concept of barefoot running but it was intended for surfaces that have…
there is always that one asshole who recommends these
there is always that one asshole who recommends these