Clockwork Orange

Truly written like someone with soup in their fucking head. "These fictional bad guys are great proxy's for real bad guys when it comes to showing the efficacy of an earth shattering sea change in law enforcement" is perhaps the saddest adult-baby take you could possibly muster, and you published it for all to see

To be fair, it’s Jezebel. While it’s likely they didn’t bother to check when Superman started, it’s equally likely they did but didn’t check when WWII started.

The harsh reality is that people need to start bringing some critical thinking to their voting decisions. People were saying during the campaign that this would take legislative action to accomplish. Just because AOC et al. were clamoring for debt cancellation doesn’t mean it could be hand waved into being. But god

Excuse me, that’s Future President Ron De Santis to you. Put some respek on his name!

Genuinely hope the writer of this piece becomes a victim of violent crime.

You are so right.  Those damn Democrats. Let’s sit these next couple of elections out and let the authoritarian Trumpists take over.  That will really stick it to Biden, Pelosi, et al.

Openly racist members of the House should probably refrain from criticizing other openly racist members of the same legislature.  It’s a no win for all.

That is one attractive prime minister.

So, she is Sorry for Party Rockin?

Well biden is also a rapist so...

Telling a former Secretary of State who almost became the first female US President to shut up is certainly a choice for a supposedly female-centric website.

Yeah, fuck you too Jezebel!

Yeah but someone told me my English degree with poli-sci minor was guaranteed to make $100k out of school and then put me in top management by 30. Therefore, the system is corrupt, and it's not my fault, because I wasn't fooled, I'm too smart to be fooled. 

It is unacceptable that Americans still have to pay student loans.

Watch out, that kind of common sense isn’t allowed around here apparently (I agree wholeheartedly with you, by the way).

I don’t think it’s unacceptable to expect people to pay off a loan they signed up for.  I payed mine....

Nope. Not buying your sob story. You took out the loans, you knew the repayment schedule, you knew your crappy degree wouldn’t produce a job to pay back what you owed. You also had two years to figure out a repayment plan, refinance, or save for your payments to resume.

they are loans not grants, not gifts.  Taking a loan for a car or house has to be paid back, how is a student loan different?

Children? How are 18 year olds children? Old enough to vote, old enough to be sent off to war, old enough to smoke/drink in most countries, and old enough to have made a few big decisions already.  Might want to get out of your U.S. bubble every now and then.  They made the decision.  If they had parents, the parents

why stop with student debt? Why should I have to pay off my mortgage, my car loan, my credit card debt. I never went to college. I want my free money too!!