Its’ too late. This happened in NY. Republicans already won.
Its’ too late. This happened in NY. Republicans already won.
Sounds like Mulaney hasn’t said anything to get himself cancelled by the wokesters yet.
lolwut? Nobody knows who the fuck Beerbelly is. People are laughing at the wokesters exemplified by this trash blog network.
It’s really come full circle. Its become such a fucking bad joke now that even wokesters are claiming that they never identified as wokesters.
Not really, mang. This trash blog is dying so fast even da racists left.
To the garbage dump where they belong.
Not really. Just 4 people.
Relax wokester dude, you’ve still got me.
They can find cheaper click paste bloggers.
Wait? What? I thought Peter Thiel put the original garbage blog out of its misery. Its back from the dead?
The trash bloggers rants just aren’t bringing in clicks anymore. This dude’s big farewell has fricking 37 comments.
Good riddance, mang. I doubt your incoherent rambling gimmick would work outside Gizmodo.
Hating on Asians now because they shoot when you try to loot their stores?
Man, singular, you dumbfuck. 50 Islamic countries and not a single one is secular or a democracy. That’s all I need to know.
Its because she openly calls for genocide and she’s supported by bigots like you who just attacked 300 million+ people because you don’t like what I said. So now I’ll double down. Here’s some free speech for you.
“She played a threatening voicemail that she says is part of an influx of death threats and nasty messages since Boebert’s story caught steam.”
What a sad day when Omar can’t even call for a genocide of the Jews without receiving hate speech? What is happening to our country?
Yes, the people yelling motherf***r and calling for Jews to be driven into the sea are truly the high bar of decorum and dignity. No wonder we’re fucked. Forget the wrong day, I’d stay away from these morons any day.
Only way to stop “Islamophobia” is with blasphemy laws! Need to behead Bobert!
Curious that Pressely didnt feel the need to sponsor any anti-Semitic legislation or just anti-hate speech in general.