Clockwork Orange

lol. A Jezebel wokester is now going to enlighten us on the US monetary system.

Your degree is not a nice thing. The reasons the morons on this particular blog are mired in debt is because they are clearly idiots with useless degrees.

Earning money off of borrowed money is payment for what the lender could have done with it instead. Its only worth it to lend it to you at that rate, else they could invest it somewhere else. This blog’s regular readers shouldnt be making any claims of intellectual capacity.

Try making a coherent point, moron. This isnt a wokester circlejerk.

You’re “smart” enough to pick the President, but not “smart” enough to understand an interest rate? Wokesters in action.

Well duh! With incompetents like Bernie and Da Squad championing the cause, why did you ever thing it was going to get done? Gotta pick smart people.

Fried chicken kid? That’s so racist.

Is the trial getting Juicy?

No trans comics? You should have boycotted reporting on it, but then you love the clicks far more than staying woke.

And no one knows comedy quite like master comedian Greg.

“Notable comics set to take the stage include Dave Chappelle (ha! Take that, cancel culture),”

Seems like the worst way to spend $38 million to help black people.

The Root likes a white guy? Is everything ok?

You’re mad the Russians didnt enslave your ancestors?

Its to avoid triggering wokesters. Now you have to click to be offended by the comments.

Obviously, everyone knows wokesters are full of shit.

Obviously, everyone knows wokesters are full of shit.

Sorry, but convenience trumps wokeness.

Sorry, but convenience trumps wokeness.

lol. Look at the shitty wokester blog supporting Amazon.

lol. Look at the shitty wokester blog supporting Amazon.

Well, I certainly hope they keep working on their material and one day they might be funny too.