Clockwork Orange

Bruce was an Olympic gold medallist. Caityn is a talentless hack. Proof that men are just better.

Boo hoo. Not enough white jokes. Thumbs down. 0 stars.

“Interesting that when Chappelle says something, it’s free speech but when offended parties express that they’re offended, it’s cancel culture.”

This is all a terrible misunderstanding. I think the plastic surgeons of America have made a mistake and accidentally been surgically removing the part of the brain that processes humor instead of attaching Impossible Yohos and Beeyond Hoohoos.

Unless he’s talking about more than one group of people?

Digging himself deeper and deeper into his giant pile of cash! Do you idiots really have such a hard time seeing that he doesn’t give a fuck because more people like him than hate him?

All part of Dave and Netflix’s secret agenda to stoke the first ever -

He’ll meet them if they suck his Impossible Penis.

Black pawns in a white minstrel show? lol.

One was fucking President (and will try again), the other makes jokes on a streaming service.

“hannah gadsby, a cisgender lesbian woman,”

I disagree with TERFs as well. I’m team TER.

Yes, we all know how much buzz Gadsby brings! lol.

A professor who covers comedy? So the guy cant actually make jokes, but he can teach them? Now that is funny.

He’s treating the whole matter with the contempt it deserves.

I know. The fact that he’s black really hurts white wokesters ability to fully attack him. What a shame.

Because literally no one but you morons is onboard the gender train. How can you not see that? What other issue has a TERF equivalent?

Doesn’t apply to non-males because they aren’t funny enough to make it to the top.

Uhm, because he’s a comedian and its funny. He’s been talking about white people for way longer. Are all of you this stupid?

You gotta tell those trans people that they are wrong and teach them to be as morally pure as you.