
the hell are you rambling about?

Oh honey you’re adorable. It’s like you were literally born yesterday, and have no memory of what right wing media was like under Clinton and Obama.

Hahaha. And with that comment you’ve single-handedly proven the widely held belief that Trump supporters are hysterical drama queens with below average intelligence.

To afford reason to the unreasonable is to lend them rope to hang you with.

That I would need to say, “This platform is heinously destructive to human life, rights, and dignity” explicitly tells me you didn’t pick up on the tone and implicit message of the OP.

Try some nuance in your reading before you go upbraiding someone for excoriating fucking Nazis for being fucking Nazis, thanks.

Of course there’s a difference between refusing to provide a platform for awful, inhuman, repellent ideologies and resorting to violence in the face of expression of the same--but there’s also a difference between advocating restraint and engaging in useless hand-wringing over actions ranged against an ideology that

I wonder how many folks will take a swing at this and miss the implicit message; my guess is that the number will be fairly low, given that the initial audience is likely to be comprised primarily of folks who were already on board with the message the parody is trying to send—but still.

As for the existential

I still don’t understand this nerf. Her health depletes very fast when under fire from a coordinated team since her critical hit zone is the size of Texas.

Soldier 76 is everyones nightmare currently.

Here’s another secret, include a bigger hard drive from the start, DON’T TELL SONY WHATEVER YOU DO!!!

Why should we be required to shell out an extra hundred dollars to be able to adequately use our consoles? Modern gaming is the worst.

It kind of sucks that you almost have to purchase another HD though now if you’re going to game on a console, doesn’t it? I mean, unless you play like, two games a year. 

For what is seemingly touted as the ease and one-time expense of Livin’ That Console Life, having to purchase and pop in a new HD just to get around

I think there are sometimes grey areas, but this one pretty clearly crosses the line. If you are clipping out of the map and taking out opponents from total safety that’s obviously unfair.

I don’t know. i just feel like the game is such a mishmash and tonally all over the place. The combat is fun, albeit the control scheme has settled in yet and I keep hitting the wrong button.

As long as people like you keep insisting that stuff like this is arbitrary, we have to keep doing it.

I feel bad for you.

I am against “diversity for diversity’s sake.”

The fandom of Overwatch has shown a very overt interest in the relationships and the characters’ overall lives beyond what exists within the game, so Blizzard feels compelled to explore it with pretty artwork, because Blizzard really likes creating lots of pretty artwork.

It doesn’t matter, it’s just an aspect of her character, no different from, like, her being British.

Those who make a big deal about it, mainly those against the idea.