
It was like Too Many Cooks, the E3 version. It was great. Check a look!

Hello Stephen A. Crockett Jr. Thank you for your story. Although I don’t know that much about Jason Whitlock, from some of the examples you provided I tend to agree with a large part of your assessment of him. However, there are some interesting kernels of truth within his comments that I think raise a completely

Quickest way to “assimilate” in this god forsaken country? Anti-Blackness.

As much as people like to portray 4chan as some sort of omnipotent internet boogeyman, for the most part* it’s just full of normal people who want to talk about their interests the same as any other corner of the web. There are some great boards for things like papercraft, graphic design, diy projects, and

No, he wasn’t. He was a fucking crazy homeless person with a lot of problems who bounced from one crazy idea to the next. He had just started spouting his “alt-right” bullshit like a month ago. It’s not cowardice to cite the actual facts, asshole. I live in Portland and I ride that train all the time. I’ve gotten on

How in the world did Sachiko from Erased not make the cut?

Wait... super sexist character design?

Let’s be honest about what is really going on here. The Wall Street Journals smear piece on youtubers is less about them helping to inform the public and more about them trying to drive a nail into the coffin of an industry that has long passed them by in relevance. The only people that read newspapers are old people

Ok. thats it. give me your gamer card. anyone who thinks what anita sarkeesian says is accurate is definitely not someone who has played those games.

Now playing

And now that we’ve suffered through that, please take the time to watch Liana Kerzner’s much better and more entertaining ‘Gamer’s Guide to feminism’. A video series with a longer run time, better production values, a shorter development cycle and done entirely for free.

The funniest part of this is that JonTron thinks he’s white.

Welp, now I’ll have to dig up and listen to Ken Ashcorp’s Absolute Territory again... :p

hi. i know one of the jp artists you linked. they weren’t reclaiming link for trans people or anything. they just wanted to fuck link. hope this helps!

What I find odd is how men look at the highs (privilege) of being a woman—-high heels, make up, etc. and not the menstrual cycle, shopping for clothes and finding the RIGHT jeans that fit (especially for women of African descent), giving birth and the pain that comes with it, and numerous things women have to contend

I’m very disappointed.
When I saw that Kotaku had posted their “review” of Nier: Automata I was certainly not expecting there to be an actual review!
Where is the outrage at pantyshots and and rage against the male gaze?
Instead we have descriptions of game mechanics and story points.
Where is the intersectional feminism

there’s no legitimate argument that piracy isn’t theft

Teenagers should just get over themselves.

THE PASSIONATE idealists who in 1945 created the United Nations to promote global peace and universal human rights would turn in their graves were they aware of how this once noble institution has been hijacked by an alliance of radical Islamists, rogue states and tyrannies notorious for trampling human rights,

You missed the best one: Reboot. Loved that show! (And had even more love for it after learning computer programming and suddenly seeing all the “inside” jokes).

I like the drag. It re-emphasizes that women are perceived as less than men. Craig loses power by putting on a dress, he becomes less than. If a woman were to put on a man's suit (the suit that he was wearing) she would gain power. Man as woman= silly ridiculous. Woman as man = serious. The whole women should aspire