Step 1) Make some poorly made edgy piece of shit game
Step 1) Make some poorly made edgy piece of shit game
It’s nice to see that in 2019 people still completely miss what Naoto’s entire character arc was about. She wasn’t trans.
Please teach me your dog cock-blocking ways, Sensei.
4chan doesn’t allow child porn and 8chan does.
So, in other words, they are no different from Facebook, or Youtube, or Twitter, or Tumblr, or any of the other “safe” places that people seem to have no problem visiting?
Feel free to point out in the bible where God said, “thou shalt not wear a tuxedo dress”.
I can see what he was going for, but turning it into a fun game ruins the point.
Banning words isn’t about erasing hate. It’s just about making people feel like they’ve done something when they haven’t actually done anything at all. Because eventually the word just gets replaced with something else. Like how the word “nigger” has been replaced with “thug”, but since thug isn’t considered a bad…
Well clearly these Japanese people aren’t smart enough to realize that their culture is being appropriated and it is my duty as a non-Japanese person to be offended on their behalf. \sarcasm
I read “egg” and instantly thought of Solas from Dragon Age: Inquisition.
So he’s making America great again by standing there looking like an idiot? Also, was the lone black kid in the crowd sent there so the school can have their token for when they need to make their “They’re not racist guys, just kids being kids” speech?
Yeah, here in the states instead of saying “just happens sometimes” we instead say “ know...she was probably asking for it.”
Everyone assumes the rapist is a member of staff, but in this fucked up world it could just as easily be a family member. Don’t know if it’s legally possible, but anyone with a dick that entered that room should have to take a DNA test.
More like a healthy lifestyle plus lack of drug use is a wonderful thing.
So are the people who are saying that there is no work available in their area looking online for work? Cause if you have a computer and internet it is easy as fuck to get a shitty job working customer service from home.
I am seeing a lack of choking and body slamming in this clip.
When white people pull that “go back to Africa” bullshit, sometimes I imagine what would happen if all the black people in the United States decided to take all their assets, pick an African country, and just all go there en masse. I get the feeling that the US would not turn into the awesome all-white utopia that…
I get the feeling that there are gonna be some family secrets that are about to come to light. Usually, people that do something like this were raped/molested themselves.
Don’t even need to watch the anime when the game and game art makes it pretty blatant that the Jesus allegory got fucked over hard and the abundance of salt turned him into the anti-Christ.
His face is clear as day so Black Twitter should be able to find this dude.