Hatred towards interracial relationships is the one thing that assholes of all races seem to be able to bond over. It’s never going to go away.
Hatred towards interracial relationships is the one thing that assholes of all races seem to be able to bond over. It’s never going to go away.
Expecting video game news from Kotaku was your first mistake and you have no one to blame but yourself.
If he really wants to heal his family he and his enabling piece of shit wife should both french kiss an electrical socket.
Along with affordable healthcare you would also need to change people’s entire thought process when it comes to mental illness. A lot of people don’t get the help they need because they don’t believe they have a mental illness or they don’t want to be seen as crazy or weak.
It would be nice if the people in charge of running this country would worry about solving the problems of the citizens instead of constantly talking about what the fuck other countries are doing.
That only works if it’s not an echo chamber of white people talking to white people, which is what the flyer makes it seem like it’s going to be. Because you either end up with a circle jerk of people downplaying racism or you get the reverse and end up with a circle jerk of people who feel they are ready to play…
A lot of real jobs nowadays don’t offer that either. I know mine doesn’t. :(
Boy, white “allies” sure are quick to get upset when people call out shit how they see it. If stuff like this article is enough to push you and the rest of the “good whites” away then fuck it. We already have too many wanna-be white saviors as is.
Nah, black youth need to learn that this is their country too and to hell with backing down when some racist asshole wants to show his ass. This notion that we should have to kowtow to every fucking person or thing that wants to kill us or do us harm is ridiculous.
Remember folks, if someone breaks into your pitch-black apartment be sure to follow any commands they give, lest they turn out to be a drunk and/or drugged up police officer.
The reason for the break-up (regardless if it is true or not) should have never been included in the main article to begin with.
Maybe the next Spiderman game will be about beating up police officers and freeing poor marginalized drug dealers so that they can continue to ruin lives in peace.
Anime tiddies is good and all, but if I don’t see some male anime tiddies as well I am gonna get so triggered. Hopefully this means maybe someday Hadaka Shitsuji can be sold on Steam.
Oh shit, he’s hot. But seriously, whoever did that is the absolute lowest piece of shit. Regardless of if it was a real gun or not, what if someone had been upstairs at the time? What if it had been one of his kids? Even a BB gun can cause damage. To the people going “durr hurr maybe he shouldn’t stream”, in what…
I feel silly that it took me so long to realize that “She’s such a fucking ho” is a throw back to Adele’s “She’s such a fucking lady” comedy routine.
Wouldn’t she be able to find out if she checks your browser history and sees this post?
People like you are why crazies can post a shit ton of threats on their facebook/twitter/etc and have nothing done to them until the day they go and shoot up a school or something.
You know how Linus can’t go anywhere without his security blanket? It’s like that for cops. Except the blanket is a loaded gun. Racist shit cops aside, I think there are a lot of cops running around out here with PTSD so in their mind that gun on their hip is the only way they can function in society.
And by “Circle K” he means the nearest KKK clubhouse.
If it’s ‘Simple and Clean’ why does it sound like ‘Glassy Sky’?