
“I’m extremely sorry for how you feel” isn’t really an apology though. It’s just a back-sliding way of saying “I’m sorry you got upset.”

Giving a kid a bad hair cut is a mistake. Your kid almost dying because you were off fucking about, is not a mistake, it’s a crime.

You went to school yeah? So you should be able to figure paragraphs out. :)

Nah, I’ve been paying fuckin’ attention all too well, which is why I’m not sitting around amazed that asshole white people are doing asshole white people things.

So in your world disagreeing with a statement = being upset? Well that’s interesting.

Our ongoing situation which is what? White racist being up front about being white racist? Maybe this comes from me living in the South, but exactly when was this golden period when racist weren’t proudly pulling the crap that they are pulling now?

You mean racist assholes weren’t being open about it until Trump? Cause history says otherwise.

What I don’t understand is how the character models for the mobile game for Star Ocean looks better than the 3, 4, and 5. Like, how is that even possible?

When I read the title I thought this was going to be about a new dating sim about Nintendo handhelds turning into pretty boys...

Unless your skin is super light, you can guarantee that there are plenty of white people that will assign your race for you, even if they aren’t calling you black to your face. And I say this as the child of two mixed race parents who are labeled “black” by black AND white folks who can’t even fathom that dark skinned

This is the type of mess that you get when non-whites (and whites that weren’t considered white enough) get accepted into the inner white circle. They forget, but one day he’ll run into someone that will make him remember that his place in the race war would be on the side of all those “dirty foreigners” that he seems

I bet you and the other ones like you must feel real silly after learning that she was arrested for trying to assault the woman for not letting her pet the dog and also for assaulting cops. lol

So erotic games = bad, games with sex in them = good, game with floppy dicks and killing = extra good? Just trying to understand Steam’s logic here.

Yeah, that’s probably where the miscommunication is coming from; I haven’t spent a lot of time around third-wave feminist groups so I had/have no idea if the definition has changed.

Another school shooting in which anti-gun and pro-gun nutcases will pretend to give a shit about the victims while using the event to argue about the same shit they argued about during the last school shooting which will continue until everyone forgets and goes back to dancing to shitty songs and creating memes.

It’s not a meme, it’s called toxic masculinity because it’s a fucked up ideal of how men should act. Guys are raised being told to man up, be tough, be aggressive, be the hunter, don’t be a sissy, don’t be emotional. That type of bullshit can mess someone up and leads to dudes growing up insecure on what it means to

The thing that kinda-but-not-really blows my mind is that this dude is Jewish. Some folks just need to come to terms with the fact that should this race war, that they seem to want so badly, happen they ain’t gonna be on the side that they think will be on.

A pastor told a lie? Oh my gosh I am just so shocked! /s

I’m beginning to think that I’m not black enough to understand this on-going bullshit of what is and isn’t “black”.