
Maybe if I had gone to a public school in the “right” part of town I could talk about how wonderful public school was and how much it benefited me. Unfortunately I wasn’t that privileged and instead went to a school where gangs and armed police officers roamed the halls. Which I guess was a learning experience of some

No bros. Noctis is all alone. And Carbuncle is there.

It’s Gravitation without the out of place drama, Samurai Flamenco without the stupid writer, Gakuen Handsome without the weird artstyle, basically what I’m saying is this has been done before.

It baited me with promises of being an ice skating anime is what it did. I’m glad everyone got the chance to pretend that this is the first time queer representation has ever happened in an anime, but all I saw was two guys get pushed into a shoujo-esque romance at the expense of the rest of the cast. Like what was

So Keijo and Monster Musume are on your no-no list, but not the anime with the main character who is a borderline rapist lolicon who has no problem admitting he wants to screw his own sisters?

/2013’s Free!!! Iwatobi Swimming Club is considered the pinnacle of female-centric fan service./

Oh noes, not a racist in the white house! Cause there totally aren’t any racist in the white house already who’s sole job is to keep minorities, mainly blacks, in a never-ending cycle of poverty and servitude. Nope, life was just a fine til Donald Trump became president. Racism didn’t exist, nope. All those cops out

I bet the people getting offended the most aren’t even black.

If the characters were reverse this would be a rape simulator where you play as a victim who has to appease her rapist and make sure things don’t get too akward lest he kick you out before you can figure out his name to report him to the policy.

I swear, it’s like people played Jumin’s route, chose all the doormat answers, got the bad end, and then just decided that that’s all his route is about.

This stupid game just reminded me that Mangagamer still hasn’t released Naked Butler yet.

Let’s be real, no one in Free had a dick.

Since clickbait is the in thing these days, could you write a clickbait article on ‘All Out!’ so that it can get noticed? The fandom is so small right now, it could use some “don’t watch this horrible thing *wink wink nod nod*” magic.

Is there some kind of rule that states that things aimed at women have to be talked about negatively? Just what is so cringe about it?