
They're pretty much alarmingly huge. Big Audrey Hepburn fan too, but jeez do those look out of place.

To me, it really looks like the face is based directly off of Audrey Hepburn.

That's from Havoc. She's been reasonably famous as a child star since she was ~9 (Princess Diaries, plus Get Real a few years later). Havoc was the signature "child star takes a sexy role upon reaching adulthood in order to break from childhood typecasting" maneuver.

So then it stands to reason that if Superman is even ordinary-people smart and acknowledges that there are *some* things that could be a threat to him, then he might choose to wear armor as well?

I think that there was an implied transition in his post. Ie, if Thor can choose to wear armor (and he's a friggin god) then Supes could certainly also choose to wear body armor.

@Halo_Override: not really, because it would destroy the entire player-driver economy concept that is at the heart of EVE.

On the one hand... yeah, its your opinion and you're entitled to it. On the other hand, I expect that there will still be a crazy and entertaining story there, regardless of how depraved I do or do not choose to be.

I agree in principle, but if they created an environment where a breach was more likely and they were less capable of addressing it when it happened, and they left customer data much less secure than their own, it means that they had reason to know that the breach would happen and deliberately left customer data

Thanks. And despite bashing it, I sort of get why GTA4 gets praised for the characterization. They got the giant, macro-level important thing to feel weird and offputting, but they got a million-and-four little details just-so to make Niko feel plausible.

ICO/Shadow of the Colossus really have nothing in common with Dead Space, so no worries there.

See, I really don't get the love for Niko. On the one hand, he's well written and realized — if you completely divorce the writing and characterization from actions in missions. If you try to contextualize it all together, then the experience is actually pretty traumatic for me. Everything that he does in missions

Really well written, and well-realized apart from the fact that everything that the character allegedly wanted or aspired to was in complete contradiction to everything that the player did or was asked to do once gameplay started.

I'm completely fine with this. If I were to go to SDCC, it wouldn't be in order to pay hundreds of dollars to be advertised to.

Basically, the combat is all tempo based, so if you think of it as getting in a groove or as juggling, then it basically works. I actually used to play this game while jogging on the treadmill, and that was pretty frenetic.

I thought that you'd probably agree with that, but I suspect that your definition and mine for 'completely empty' are different. Even if the art placed in the area is reasonably attractive, if there is nothing there for me to interact with beyond looking then I consider the area empty. Thus, prior to fan patches

Yeah, basically what everyone else already said. Essentially, since numbers are infinite, it is possible that some numeric set whose lowest member has 74 digits fails to reduce down. There are enough unique relations and properties between numbers that mathematicians have been well conditioned to never assume

@MasterYong: Yeah, although that's really just school administrators copping out on doing their jobs — if the activity that can potentially cause fights and mishaps actually has merit.

@dkl415: Actually, I'm reasonably sure that most schools bans on TCGs stem from all of the thorny security and disciplinary issues that stem from card theft and allegations thereof.

Weren't there the same number of immersive details to be had in past fallout games, which don't really support wandering off for time without end, but which have tons of interesting and flavorful encounters to find in different areas of the map? Even if there is a random element there, it seemed like it was random