Miss Tina,
Miss Tina,
Wow, combining a launch even with a party that consumers can actually attend? I'm well impressed.... I mean, I'm annoyed that I'm not close enough to go, but still, hope it's fun!
I'd buy that for a dollar..
Wait, can't Shenmue be gotten on a newer console at this point though? Downloaded or something? Is there any reason to really need Dreamcast hardware still around? I would imagine most if not all it's top games have been ported over to something, yes?
Laugh track, why?
I will say I liked the initial PS3 and last Xbox designs best....seems like there is a slight departure for those looks this time around so far :/ .
Wow, you resorted to that crutch rather easily. Tell me, how often do you use that accusation to attempt to end a disagreement you have with someone? I'd guess often with how quickly you leapt to that to try and invalidate and marginalize what I have to say.
Sony may have just found the Rosetta Stone of sorts to being on too of the console wars (games!)
That is a very dangerous proposition, given people already make ridiculous multi-copy purchases of a game in the name of "collecting". But I suppose on the flipside it may cut down on it too. I mean, who needs to buy 3 unopened copies of a game if you don't even need to open a single one to play.
Is it creepy and vaguely unintentionally racist sounding that I thought to myself "Gee, glad it was only a white one. I'd feel really bad if they shot a black one."
I'm sorry, I just can't take Call of Duty seriously. I'd blame it's awful fans that I was hardly aware of until I befriended a Gamestop manager and heard first hand horror stories.
Yeah, what ABOUT Gaikai anyway? When I first heard of that acquisition, it was framed in the context that it was likely to indicate full backwards compatibility from the PS1 onward and a full digitizing of pre-existing disc games (somehow) to be registered and perma-downloadable from the cloud.
I was going to mention that's just how HD formatting works...but what's the deal with this 92GB allotment? That seems like a lot for the firmware/OS/whatever you want to call it.
"try being a woman" let's just go in circles on this one and I can call your opinion irrelevant as well again? hm?
I thought they already had trophy ranks? So it's just how they ranked the rarity that's changed?
This is the sickness that is society. Why is it suddenly ok to antagonize "dudes" for being whiny liars? I feel like this is needless gender poking. Maybe it's all in good fun, but I'm sure people wouldn't find certain counter examples quite as amusing.
Just sayin'
This (as in the ops post of this thread I'm
Replying to) is the blog I want to read, not Jezebel, which I've noticed is becoming a meta-problem of its own in this feminism debate.
I only played once or twice in October so....yeah, I guess I should just keep my fingers crossed I get that sweet sweet payday :P ?