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Well, I was more going to say, this is surprising, because given how many Chinese people in general work and put up with Foxconn (well until they've had it and try and jump off the roof), and the general overall work ethic in China, this idea of anyone complaining, even an erudite college student (erudite being a

Also, " work-study program"..

How long did it take for people to realize that Foxconn made more than just iPhones? Because I gotta tell ya, the sheer ignorance some people displayed when that story first broke, shaming someone who owned an Apple product while they canoodled 10+ things that was probably also made there drove me nuts.

Yeah I was about to say, looks more like he's crawling away from the freakishly large beasts comically coming after him. I mean, they're bigger than him! If a giant furry animal of unknown origins was crawling after you like that (let's keep in mind this baby can't really tell the difference) you'd be TERRIFIED :P .

It's furthermore not a surprise that one of the aforementioned area photogs also was on the ground floor of the Suicide Girls stuff as well...(after reading the SG portion of your story I recalled that being a major bragging point for one of them).

"What you do is completely degrading to women. I hope you know you only fuck girls because you have a camera"

Ok, I really dont need FF6 on my iOS device not to mention already owning multiple portable versions of it already for Nintendo handhelds....but that's still awesome news.

I feel bad, these guys had a lot of balls to do what they did (by making the Piston in the first place I mean)...but thanks, I had been wondering where the Piston fit into all this recent stuff. I had no idea them and Valve had a falling out either. That's sad, but at least Valve has their own Steam Box info to put

So I've written about five different comments that I subsequently deleted. I can't really figure out a way to talk about this. Pokemon + Sadness are difficult topics for me to talk about, either together or separately.

"New Super Mario Bros. games"

Gah, these article are so hard to get through....mainly because I click every link so I can make sure to check them all out, and the no autplay feature is disabled because pre-steam games use youtube instead of steam native, so I get 20+ youtube videos trying to play all at once and chrome crapping itself with the

That comment about it being 2nd best Zelda is made of many butts sir...unless you meant LTTP was first best, but I somehow doubt that.

I mean really, he (and I guess the rest of the commenters) want to just put all the dated overrated 3d Zeldas in the top 3? Blastphemy.

Meh, oddly, these do look right about the size of a single dorm room. I actually think as far as a "dinky single sized college dorm room" goes, it looks surprisingly normal for me given that most things are smaller in Asia (ok, well, I can't see how they could make it any smaller regardless though).

What does one do to get a real job at Kotaku? You guys are based in New York, correct? And/or multiple locations?

So they cooked it and ate it huh? I wonder how it tasted? Extra good or extra terrible?

Chinese Chupacabre?

Ehhh, holding my breath. When you said "old school" I thought you mean pre-ps1/tactics era FF....

Huh....looks better than the KFC us 'muricans get.