
Sorry, IT guys are a dying breed anyway. Come out of your darkened cellar and enjoy the sunlight

Yeah, Facebook app is the only app I have had on iPhone since wayback that quits unexpectedly. Sloppy thing.

You're kidding, right?

The age it takes video to load

I am not a dev but am told it is very easy to migrate apps from iOS to WebOS but it still needs the will to make it happen

I could cry.

All your Identity belong to them!

Facebook have already said they will not allow Google to link directly. Why should they give up ad revenue to a competitor ?

And this one

*run away, run away*

I bought one of La Cie's very pretty Neil Poulton designed boxes but it sounded like a demented sewing machine so it went back. Drives should be seen and not heard (if they need to be seen at all)

I think all the early Steven Moffat ones where among the best (those two plus "Girl in the Fireplace") but he is struggling to produce consistent quality in the new series

If you want the raw experience, same as with PCs - build one yourself - a Caterham or a Westfield or whatever the US equivalent is. I have one (Caterham) as a toy but I never use it day-to-day.

Some survey a few years back said X% (where X was quite a high figure) of Americans would rather buy an electric car from Apple than (a bunch of other tech companies)

I rememer my mum telling me about these. She was a clerk in the police during the war and they were trained to show people how to put these on the kids. Very scary but people were terrified beacsue of the tales from WW1 of gas being used.

Are you my mummy?

Oh, so they are doing us all a favour by exposing these flaws and we should congratulate them?

Comes down to whether you want Google phones made by a variety of manufacturers or phones made by HTC, Samsung, Moto or whatever.