
Good ridance.

No "Better notifications"?

@Irving94: It has two different chipsets fitted - one for 3G, one for 4G

@philselmer: Its only open as long as it suits Google, They can shut any new release down any time they want to.

Hard to take seriously an article that starts with an outright falsehood and proclaims it as a fact.

Are you my mare?

Man, I could tell you some scary stories about toilets in diving decompression chambers. Some funny, some horrbly graphic.

I am American by birth, grew up in Ireland and have lived in several areas ofthe UK.

I've never JB my phone and the only app that tempted me was Lockinfo. My friend at work has it on his iP4 and he gets 10-15% less battery life than me despite getting similar amount of mail, calls, etc. To me that is unacceptable and I prefer to wait for Apple to implement fully tested, efficiently implemented

Its called finding another niche. Selling to people who want a tablet but want it to be more portable. From the comments on blogs and the fact that they sold a few, that market clearly exists but it is tiny. Remember RIM had committed to that size before it was known that the Galaxy Tab had failed.