
The Great Intelligence made a point of telling Clara (I think it was her) that the Valeyard is still in the Doctor's future, so obviously Moffat hasn't forgotten about it. And since this is Doctor #12, the Valeyard will be right around the corner too.

Netflix's Doctor Who catalogue has been really spotty. It seems to be the first two dozen or so titles that have been released on DVD, which means I already own most of them.

It's silly in that very special, "only Doctor Who" way. I mean, yeah, killer Cheetah people with kind of natty costumes, crap animatronics that don't work, and obvious BBC Outside Video production quality. But the writing was superb, and an excellent summation of the Doctor's pacifist nature against a cruel predatory

But Allan, everybody needs more killer streetlamps!

They tried that. It was called "series six". Everybody hated it.

Try making it in parallel with another line of thought.

I always thought it was criminal that the show never did an episode where the Doctor comes across another Time Lord like the Meddling Monk for whom Gallifrey hasn't been destroyed yet, and he has to wrestle with whether or not to tell him.

It doesn't help that most of them were wiped, I'll bet. I haven't even seen that many, simply because they are almost none of them on DVD.

And then there was "Curse of Fenric", which was basically a Moffat story before 'Moffat stories' were even a thing.

The irony is that "Survival" was actually a great capper to one of the classic show's finest runs.


Actually, both of them do really strong work with historical episodes, like "Victory of the Daleks" or "the Shakespeare Code". I can easily see them pulling off some kind of Jules Verne or HG Wells-type turn-of-the-20th-century romantic sci-fi.

It's Doctor Who. People are going to get angry at how it's going down the tubes even if the new showrunner is an archetype spliced together from the best bits of DNA from Joss Whedon, JJ Abrams, Quintin Tarantino, Gulllermo del Toro, and Stanley Kubrick.

He could just switch places with Moffat.

It's been done already.

Yea, their characterization was quite thin.

I thought Mary Poppins.

"There's no way I'm the only one who thought it was one of the worst, most contrived episode of Doctor Who in years, is there?"

You think that's bad?

I know Gatiss and Gareth Roberts tried to get the show off the ground again a few years before Davies, so if anybody's the logical choice it's them.