
All of the "sci-fi" concepts in the show ultimately came back to the electromagnetic anomolies that existed inside the Island, same as the healing pool and the light cave. In the show, science was just the DHARMA Initiative interpreting what earlier peoples had called the supernatural.

On the other hand, the point of Locke's story was that his struggle to keep faith was what repeatedly led him to get so easily manipulated and eventually murdered.

"Jacob nonsense"?

It's not, though. It's vague enough that it could be either sci-fi or the supernatural.

"Not sure why Jack is all angsty"

Goodwin himself says the Others carried off the strong ones the first night, to reduce the threat. The Others with the list of the tail section survivors come much, much later.

Mikhail explains it in "Par Avion". He talks about why the main characters weren't on the lists, and basically amounts to their flaws would make them unable to accept living in harmony with the Others.

Obviously, it was made up for Spearhead.

I don't blame you.

It's not that they treated "Time Lord" as the name of the species, it's that Russell T. Davies had this pathological fear of introducing too much continuity at once (bad memories of the 80s, I guess), so he parceled bits of lore out over his entire tenure. They didn't even mention Gallifrey's name until the Runaway

I was actually referring to the Rassilon Imprint from the Two Doctors. There's some kind of….thing that has to happen before a Time Lord can use a TARDIS. I was never super clear on how it works, but that was 80s Who for you.

Time Lord was a title, given to Gallifreyans who graduated from the Time Academy. Gallifreyans are basically just humans with two hearts. When a Gallifreyan becomes a Time Lord, he gains all of his spacetime powers and ability to fly a TARDIS and regenerate.

Compassion for the suffering of the underclass is the main reason Siddhartha Gautama left his palace in the first place.

The Doctor was the one who actually did the psychic implanting dream bit, but yes, Clara gave him the idea for it.

And I'm pretty sure that's why the Doctor is fond of her.

It's been forever, but I seem to recall the Invasion of Time had some Mad Max types living in the outlands or something like that.

"For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love, this is an old rule."

The little girl from the Beast Below, who calls Amy stupid and acts like she's an idiot for not knowing about holes.

I believe it was the Celestial Toymaker.

First off, your whole argument relies on everybody following your one specific interpretation of media theory, as opposed to, say, Moffat thinking, "Jesus, I can't give this black character any major flaws or the fickle fans will crucify me some more."