
You're thinking of "jar of human sprinkles", not "human jar of sprinkles".

Snapchatbrats doesn't have the same ring. Snapbrats?

If you want to delve into the dark world of CelebHeights without getting your feet dirty, I recommend the "Source Code" episode of Mystery Show.

More like He Who Must Not Be Nosed, amirite?

True, and while they do go to the same bar a lot, it does not have a rhyming name (does it even have a name), and one of them works there, rather than lizardly lounging there.

"notable Oompa-Loompamerican" would be my favorite Trump descriptor yet, if it didn't denigrate all the actual Oompa Loompas who .actually work for a living.

Or the tailors. Tailoring any suit makes a world of difference, for real.

He has become noticeably blander since moving to the big leagues, and features that felt novel on Late Night, like playing a zany game with the host, have lost their zip and seemed forced when they happen every single night.

That's been my experience as well. I think the breakdown is probably something like equal parts never read it, started but quit around page 2000, finished it but don't want to admit it, and finished it but will reluctantly admit it.

You've solved it! The constant rain will wash away the grit, rendering a clear jet. …with a not-invisible costumed woman floating in the clear cockpit. Back to the drawing board.

I'm all for independent writers sticking up for themselves against The Man, but a gender-flipped Three's Company isn't exactly an original idea.


My only concern is that if this is sufficiently dark and gritty, it will be hard to keep the invisible jet invisible. On the one hand, it's hard to see in the dark, but on the other hand, all that grit might show up against a cloudy sky.

Wait, so each of their strategies is to just try to have a good show? This is a late night war I can live with.

AKA, the Kickstarter Super Premium.

And every disc is a picture disc with Mirman looking straight at you going "well, that's what you paid for."

I view it as a dare, and can imagine someone preordering it, and then Mirman saying "Drat, now I have to actually make the thing".

But what color is the vinyl and how much does it weigh? Ostentatious LP releases are nothing without this data.

Not "Crazy"?

I assume Toby Keith is biding his time until things shake out a little more. You don't write sing a song like Red Solo Cup and then turn around and back just anybody.