
Irish Whiskey cut with ice water: bros who think they can take on muggers with their butterfly knives. Irish whiskey straight up: their girlfriends.

I dunno, that makes Jagermeister seem kind of cool. I think Jag is a frat boy with reasonably well-off parents who's too insecure to look you in the eye unless he's drunk and bopping to bad EDM with his bros.

Ugh, grape culture. Amirite?

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." Stephen Colbert.


I have the opposite story. I'm an American who moved to Canada when I was a child and then moved back to the US in my 20's. I got really sick and could not get over it. I went to my mom's doctor who charged me $75 for the visit - I was making minimum wage no insurance at the time (that works out to $26.80 a day

The main ones are Obamacare will cost way too much to implement (all of a sudden those people are worried about the deficit and debt after two unpaid wars and a Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit when Bush was in office,) force people who don't want insurance to get it (muh liberty!,) it's scary socialism

I love that Obama is even considered by some to be "radical" at this point. That's how you can really sort out people who know politics and people who SAY they know politics. I just want to laugh and laugh and laugh and have those laughs turn into bees, just swarms of bees flying angrily out of my mouth flying after

F*ck Reagan and his "welfare queen" lie.

It pisses me off to an infinite degree that Jon Stewart is the one talking about this and not the actual "legitimate" news. What in the hell am I suppose to do next month if SNAP isn't available? Go to a food bank? Oh you mean the things in my state that had their budget decreased by 66%? Get a better job? That

I can't believe they were all hers. I mean, there's like 15 of them! I'm no cat expert, but I don't think their litters are that big.

I'm actually finding this video sad. yep, it makes me wanna cry.

My Aunt Cathy doesn't let Joseph Gordon watch porn. At least not in her house. Technically, it's her second ex-husband's house, but Cathy says that's neither here nor there, since he is the one who moved out on her.

"Japanese Spock Lubes Up for Captain Kirk"

Okay, so reddit is a bit of cesspool, admittedly. But please don't lump everyone who uses reddit in with the redpill alfalfa douchebags. They are their own separate breed of asshole.

Another rape survivor here. I don't give a shit what you call it if it gets people talking about rape culture.

He's a walking stereotype. A perfect storm of all the racist and classist cliches about Italian American men. Which breaks my heart because I know tons of Italian American girls whose fathers and husbands are such great guys.

HEY JOE, when your partner is tired, rub one out like the rest of us!

Uhhh.... no?

I think it's obvious that everything about Duke was meant to appeal to guys, not women. I mean, do you honestly think women find Duke's appearance to be sexy? He's the kind of guy that would appeal in a Schwarzenager or Stallone movie, and as a guy I think it's blatantly obvious that those movies are made to appeal

Dude, this is a profound, existential question right here.