
A Sith marrying a Jedi? Money's on divorce in a month.

I'm not at all surprised by this. I used to eat Warheads (the candy, not the spray) all the time, and I'd pack it into my right cheek to mitigate the sourness. After about 4 or 5 the skin on my chick would feel raw and there seemed to be dead skin coming off. Not sure that's actually what happened, but normal food

HOLY SHIT! I made an accidental pun. I AM SO SORRY. I'm glad you're here to be sarcastic, though, or I never would have known.

Found it! Not ingenious or anything, but it's pretty funny.

Well, I'd hate to be thought a haggler. Moving on, then!

Why are you telling me this? I understand it, but it really has little to do with what I wrote. The purpose of the comments section is to comment on the articles, no? That's what I was doing. I was never talking about what the government did or didn't say.

I'm sorry, but you seem confused. I did not conflate Gizmodo with the Cadadian government. That is why I addressed Gizmodo, by posting a comment here. You would do well to take your own advice.

The article said it.

You guys missed one of my favorites (granted, it's pretty similar to the last one).

No one likes the American money, it's atrocious. I don't know why we thought hiring Uncle Pennybags as a consultant was a good idea.

Counterfeit-proof? Challenge accepted.

Someone should tell Herman Cain. Who knows what kind of nefarious plot the Chinese could concoct with a push to talk button and their desire for nuclear capabilities?

My comments aren't showing(?)

It's a common thing nowadays to dismiss anyone that disagrees with you as a troll. I don't even understand the concept of trolling, it's sort of like leaving a $20 on the ground and feeling pleased with yourself when someone picks it up. "What an idiot!" Better just to treat people as if they're serious and ignore

Southeastern Asia

Not to mention all of the exceptions to the data. One of my close friends does marketing for a major company and she has never met or communicated with over 3,000 of the people she has as friends on Facebook. And this is just on one of her four or five accounts. She posts projects and knows that these people will see

It was clearly a tongue-in-cheek comment.

Precognition? Who said that? Wait, I'll tell you. No one.

Actually, you can. There's a jailbreak app for that, I believe (forget the name, though). Also, if you have 9 pages of apps, you can drag your undeletable apps to the 9th page, which will then bump off the last icon to the inaccessible 10th page, effectively making it invisible. Rinse and repeat.

The whole advantage of cloud computing seems to be the level of sync between devices and greater access to information. Walled gardens are what allow this to happen, are they not? That's why Apple will be more successful with the iCloud than other companies (at this moment, at least).