
In the late 90s, I took an Amtrak route across NY state about once a month to visit my fiancé. It was always boring as hell, and usually took around six hours. If I was lucky, when I got back to Albany, my truck would have all its windows.

Oh, you’re absolutely right. I’ve had three RX-8s, because…look, I’m not smart.

“That family isn’t alone, either. Data from Edmunds shows that the average amount Americans owe on their auto loans is quickly approaching pre-pandemic levels. After dropping below $5,000 between April and December 2021, the average amount has started to climb again reaching $5,500 at the end of 2022. Rising vehicle

I ride bikes. Like a lot. I don’t see many car parts on the side of the road, but do you know what is the most common?

Our entire economy is run by institutional investors drunk on short-term profits. Like, ten billion in profit? That’s pretty good, man. You can fix a lot of problems with ten billion dollars.

I bet underneath it’s still just a 350z. 

Take your star, you. 

Man, that engine’s faults go way beyond apex seals. The Renesis tends to cook its side seals much earlier.

Oh my god, the RX8. It’s such a great car let down by the worst engine ever made.

I came here to say exactly this. I hope we see something in-depth in the run-up to the race.

Interesting. My (admittedly ignorant, and also notably neutral when it comes to Tesla) assumption was that Tesla’s manufacturing cost more than other automakers. They seem to make things up as they go. I think they take an interesting and iterative approach, but I have assumed that approach was expensive.

I’ve been to Boone many times. Nobody in that town drives over 20mph.

I would just like to personally thank you for the Overwatch reference.

Yeah, I wanted to start adding other customizers to this list, but I think the intent was manufacturer-backed and -made one-offs.

Clarkson has been a big part of my car fandom for like twenty years.

I was a bike mechanic in the mid to late 90s, which was a crazy time for mountain bikes. The most amazing things at the shops I worked in were the Schwinn Homegrown URT bikes. I wanted one so badly, but couldn’t hope to afford one.

This reminds me of when my dad bought a brand-new Pontiac 6000. Even as a kid I thought, ‘you know, if I built this myself, I’d be kind of proud of it. But maybe we should expect more out of a car manufacturer.’

I have seen Is it Cake? You’re not wrong. But I suspect Mikey is playing a character and Doug is just...Doug.

His voice is a big annoying, but far worse is how many words he uses to convey simple concepts.

Yes, absolutely. But the fascia that Bonehead posted still has big openings.