
I don’t know, and it doesn’t really matter why. The request was for weird dealership stories, and I found that experience weird in the market that existed at the time.

I bought a new Subaru Ascent last December at a discount. It was wild. In a market where new cars were scarce, dealers were charging markups, and the store was packed with people buying the few cars the dealer did have, we were going to wait for the color we wanted. They were like, ‘what’s it going to take to get you

The internet provides. Norway’s traffic deaths per 100k are much, much lower than the US. Under two, vs 11. Norway has one of the lowest rates of traffic fatalities in the world.

I think the people who live on those rural country roads might disagree with  you.

I really want to visit Norway. I don’t mind driving slowly.

I doubt the goal here is to make it easier to change logos on the car, and that the bigger draw is animated or at least backlit logos. The possibilities are really quite interesting.

I enjoyed both my AW11 MR2 and RX-8 in the snow very much. The AW11 was rally car in snow. It was so small and light that I could get away with quite a lot.

Oh, that’s totally fair. I don’t consider coal-rolling to be in the ‘let people enjoy things’ category. It’s firmly in the ‘shits on anybody who doesn’t like the things they do’ category, since it is used frequently to attack people who don’t think like them.

Well, if this list isn’t just a little microcosm of our entire culture. Half the submissions shit on anybody who doesn’t like the same things they do, and the other half just wants to let people enjoy things.

I’ve occasionally stopped suddenly enough that my Garmin head unit thinks I’ve crashed my bike. It warns me for at least ten seconds before contacting anybody.

I had a late W210 wagon. I loved that car, even if it was kind of a pain in the ass to take care of.

I look forward to hate-watching a Doug Demuro video on this car in  a couple years. 

…unless, like many call centers, Avis’s uses bullshit KPIs that measure how many calls an hour they answer. 

There are so many good suggestions already, but I’ll nominate the GT by Citroen. Even though it looks a bit like it’s pooping out another car, I love this thing.

That kid in the lower left of the frame has the right instincts.

I have one, and I can’t believe it didn’t occur to me to post this.

My F150 does something kind of cool with its signals, and I wonder if other trucks do. The ‘bump feature will flash them three times, but if I’m towing a trailer it does it five times.

Yes. It makes perfect sense that the guy in the video chose to collapse from the heat. We should definitely blame him for his choices, and not a company making billions in profits and refusing to provide for their workers.

Seriously, how is GT7 not on this list?

I used to keep a AAA membership. I had the ‘RV’ coverage, because I was doing a lot of track days and thought, ‘surely if they’ll tow a truck and RV trailer they’ll tow my RX8 and Harbor Freight tire trailer.’