
I like your handle. It perfectly describes my primary hobbies.

People > property. Yes, even thieves. Shooting somebody over your catalytic converter? Come on. Okay, detain the thief, sure. If you have a weapon, use it to detain them.

My wife and I have a 2015 Outback. Used Subarus were already in pretty short supply when we bought it, making a new one worth buying instead.

Yes. I bought a full-sized pickup because I needed to tow. But that means I’m usually driving it around unladen, getting very poor mileage. I drive it incredibly slowly to eke out every last .1mpg.

Criticizing the police is not the same as excusing anybody else’s behavior. One can accept that attempting to steal a car is bad while also saying the police did something wrong in their reaction to them.

I love Rubens. Take your star.

Seeing Ari Vatanen screw up a handbrake turn is maybe my favorite part of this video. It makes the litany of mistakes I make every lap feel a little less...tragic. ;)

Fantastic. It’s gorgeous. I want one.

Releasing a clip that so clearly contradicts the message you want to convey is an amazingly bad first impression.

I had a hard time recognizing that as the same track they ran on last weekend. Some of those shots were better than what is used for the world feed.

I had an AW11 for a few years. It was such a fun car, and that engine wailing in my ears was fantastic.

Came here to say exactly this. It looked like the future.

I need to see it in person. These press photos don’t pass the is-it-a-Chrysler-200-or-Toyota-Camrysquint test.

This is not an FIA issue. It’s an F1 commercial rights holder issue.

That Impulse RS was a great little car. 

Stay fuckin’ weird, Subaru. I love you. 

This is literally what people mean when they say, ‘defund the police.’ Not that we shouldn’t have police, but that the criminal justice system has turned into a catch-all for too many things it wasn’t designed to handle.

I wonder, will these trucks permanently lack that fuel control module, or will GM retrofit them?

I had the same question. What the hell is going on with that thing?