
Ok, can we officially make it illegal for designers to have enemies that simply stand there facing one direction waiting for you to rape them from behind?


"Is your gambling problem eating away at your savings for that sex change operation? If so, call 1-800-IM-FCKED"

That's actually a very solid piece of advice, good job, sir!

I accidentally ran over one of those little bastards and you get 2 rogue points for that! What, no gray area bioware?

Wow, that resembles absolutely no game I have ever played.

Answer difficult questions, your 360 wont RRoD.

I think in this version the capitalist pigs get blown sky high in the end and there's an interactive flag burning simulator too, only for pre-orders though, :/

@EnigmaNemesis: The penitent man shall pass! Penitent...penitent

Before I read anything I thought of a much better concept than what they ended up doing. Imagine going House of the Dead style on these same popular games they're mocking and killing the main characters who have become zombies!

I have seen very few PSPs in the wild, how are the sales state-side?

Do you guys know what this game is missing? That's right, a gigantic creature perhaps the height of a skyscraper to show exactly what the 360 can do when it comes to rendering impossibly tall and ridiculously easy bosses.

How is this fun? I understand the concept of introducing sex into video games but it seems only independently do these activities thrive.

The UI is straight out of play-skool.

I love the original commercial too! Woot for discovery channel.

Try grounding the speakerwires, might do the trick.

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: The zombies are simply really really really well-tanned white people.