Sir Winston Douchechill

That was basically the moment I knew that if his followers didn't see through the grift right then and there they never would. Just the most brazenly unconvincing shit I've ever seen.

I'm waiting for the follow-up, Klingon Vs Djokovic.

Well, goodbye everyone. It's been an incalculable waste of time, but I like quite a few of you and will sometimes wonder who the fuck you actually were and how you're going.

No one's with you. Ever.

Okay, serious question: is this a bit US liberals are doing en masse, or do you all genuinely believe that Russia is still communist?

Pretty sure it's just code for Jews, tbh. The bad, "internationalist" Jews, not the good, Muslim-killin' Netanyahu-type Jews.

Thomas, I would like to drink scotch with you.

I keep checking back hoping for a positive update. Christ what a nightmare scenario for any parent.

Shit that is very tempting.

Yes! They're very good.

Amber A'Lee Frost said something along the lines of, "Liberals keep acting like he's playing 12D chess when he's really playing fucking dodgeball."

That's still a thing - Mondo did the Luke Cage score on yellow vinyl earlier in the year, and I was going to buy it until the show turned out to be rubbish.

Yeah, audiophile stuff aside (I'm not enough of one, nor do I have good enough equipment, to know who's right about whether or not vinyl sounds better) it's a way of privileging the stuff you really like given current models of music consumption, and if you're buying LPs from like Bandcamp or the merch table at a

And rightly so.

You can tell Doctor Who fans abhor the cardinal sin of casting a white male as the titular character by the way they've literally never watched the show Doctor Who in which the main character has been played by a white male fourteen times.

Interesting that even a foaming reactionary like you can't bring yourself to call any Republican sane without putting the word in scare quotes.

I don't know who told him baggy suits would hide the fact that he's obese, but he shouldn't have listened.

Totally cool, sorry for being snippy. My daughter is being an asshole and it's having something of an effect on my mood, which is never fantastic begin with.

I did no such thing. I'm not glad this is being dropped, I'm just annoyed Dear White People was dropped with even less ceremony.

I can't say I'd mourn Trump whatever the circumstances of his death, but all other considerations aside an assassination would make him a martyr not just to his base, but the Republican Party in general. It would be an absolutely horrific turn of events, likely guaranteeing at least a decade of unfettered Republican