Sir Winston Douchechill

[cue fourteen posters explaining the difference between pedophilia and hebephilia for definitely purely academic reasons]

There is a particular strain of thought within American liberalism exemplified by the Clintons. If I'd said 'third way centrists' would you feel more comfortable?

With Chibnall taking over, they're really going to have to cast someone mind-blowing as the 13th Doctor to get me to stick around. And I've been saying Moffat's outstayed his welcome since season seven.

"Hardy being an insufferably shrieky rat-faced twat"

Well holy fucking shitballs. I interacted with both of them a fair bit on Twitter before I took an ongoing and unrelated break a while after "Dom" "died" (you and I follow each other too - my handle is @undeadroger). Obviously I had no idea OP was a persona, or that Buzz and Sluggo were also one and the same (I've

Australia has had universal healthcare since the early '70s. Do me a favour and have a look at some of the medical breakthroughs we've made in that time (the cochlear implant is one).

I still can't get my head around what happened there. Hadn't some of you guys met OperaPunk IRL?

If you're trying to troll me by being rude about Hillary Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree, matey :)

Best Irish accent since David Boreanaz though.

Mikhail Baryshnikov would like a word with all of you.

I've hung onto my PS2 just so I could occasionally play that and Burnout Revenge.

It's a Simpsons quote, my dude.

I too have a persecution complex that causes me to get offended by things that didn't happen, so yes.

I honestly don't see how the office of President can ever recover from having been held by this sickening freakshow of a man.

But I mean, the Soviet Union without those pesky ideals is basically what he has going on, isn't it? Either way, I find it both disturbing and instructive that Clintonite liberals are going all in on what amounts to a new Red Scare. If everyone to your left *and* right is a fifth columnist, I guess you have even less

Love me some toum (that initially autocorrected to 'young' which would have been extremely awkward).

Nah, aioli specifically contains garlic. It's not a general word for infused mayo. The original Spanish allioli is only tangentially related to mayonnaise.

It's so weird feeling like I have to constantly remind American liberals that the Soviet Union collapsed almost three decades ago, but here we are.

If the Bernie die hards were numerous enough to swing the election, maybe he had a better shot at winning.

It's good casting, but he's older than Affleck and couldn't IMO realistically play significantly younger than him.