Sir Winston Douchechill

Oh yeah, and there was the time he called it "arguably the finest piece of cinema released in 2016."

That Venn diagram has a pretty large central section though, doesn't it?

Not much man, what's up with you?

I doubt he'd even be one INO.

I love that Donny's "hardly anyone knows this" schtick is a really obvious tell that it's something he just found out, but in fact most sixth graders know.

Poutine has spread into Australian bar food and I for one am happier and slightly fatter for it.

"The ol' Canucklehead" even.

Nah, he'd just talk about a random Marvel movie and how bad it was. I could count on less than one hand the number of times he's actually said anything substantive about why he likes a DC movie.

Keep fighting the good fight against fictional oppression of men, Bobby. One day you'll be able to visit Themyscira and free it from Feminazi tyranny.

It's nice to see that your general sense of grievance extends to the Greek pantheon and their forebears.

There are plenty of valid critiques to be made of Hillary Clinton, but almost all of them come from the left. For the right, it always came down to, "I hate that uppity bitch." They will never, ever apply the same standards to Trump as they did to her. Motherfucker could personally order an attack on a US embassy and

What, Trump? Yeah, I think you may have, sorry.

Now now, there are people from other generations who aren't complete dickheads.

I'll get high and watch it when it's on Netflix, for sure.

We should all follow your example in not having mentioned Obama or Biden even once between 2008 and last year, eh Lobbie? ;-)

You can probably just skip Infinity War, then catch Guardians 3 where they'll be back in space and up to their old shenanigans.

Adam would faint.

Hating entire groups of people for who they are is actually good, but hating individual people for the measurable harm they cause is a terrible crime. It's simple, really.

That's very nice of him to say, but maybe now isn't the time for public congratulations.

The two major instances of police brutality in that show were committed by black detectives, the crooked white cop who killed an informant was working for a black villain and was given a tragic backstory to ameliorate his actions, and the time Luke got shot by a cop it was at least partially justifiable because Luke