Supreme leader is benevolent. Supreme leader is the most handsome. Glory to the supreme leader!
Supreme leader is benevolent. Supreme leader is the most handsome. Glory to the supreme leader!
I’m kind of surprised the guy hasn’t been using this as an excuse as to why you can’t actually buy this energy drink anywhere.
Wait until you see his underwear.
another ironic part of this situation is that due to his ego he only put his properties/name in the most desirable RE locations which is exactly where none of his cult lives. He should really start some Trump branded trailer parks/fishing and hunting stores if he wants to stop the bleeding.
Someone get this brave, hardy dumbass a cell phone.
It is pretty ironic, and it just goes to show how terrible he really is at business. For all that he’s gained the undying allegiance of his deplorable followers, there’s so many more people to whom he’s now entirely toxic. He used to be known by the average Joe for his TV role on the Apprentice, but now he’s put all…
Indeed. Trump voters are afraid to acknowledge their support for the same reason as bank robbers wear masks. If you know what you’re doing is wrong, you generally prefer to not be recognized.
Oh, you jest. “Personal responsibility” is GOP code for “No social programs for minorities.” The GOP’s base is more likely to take money and assistance from social programs, and if you point that out, they get really defensive, snarling that they worked for the money.
“I thought you were going to get the black guy?”
Always worth a repost.
Gee, it’s almost like they’re all cretinous morons with absolutely no practical use in the world.
Imagine if Democrats, Vol. 638,306.
They’re right about one thing - Trump yard signs can be a useful tool.
There are so many right wing lies about, why don’t we spread this one? It’s so beautiful since it fits Trumps mind exactly.
The stock market doing well at this point is the exact opposite of the economy working for people. Companies are valued on profits and maximized profits are often incompatible with fair wages and benefits (since we have little regulation to keep this under control, the companies have it in their best interest to…
The Brits have ever been our allies during times of war. Perhaps they can send us a few reporters in these dire times.
“If walked off because I thought he disagreed with my opinions. My bad folks.”
I want to know how “I didn’t mean to” fits into her story that she thought he was an intruder and shot him because he didn’t follow commands.
Poor young man is moaning in pain, terror and feeling his life slipping away from him and all she can think about is her damn job and covering her ass.
WFAA-TV has obtained a copy of Guyger’s five-minute 911 call to dispatchers and it’s just as unsettling as we all imagined.