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...and remember street names, unfamiliar landmarks, general direction, etc. in the dark, and recall it all later in the dark several hours later. Yet again, someone who didn’t read the article and see that he forgot which car park he’d used, and contacting the companies running them also didn’t yield a result.

Well, since Kim has her own ministry, she certainly seems to be overlooking one very important sin: “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.” 1 Corinthians 14:34

Burrell’s publicist is moments away from issuing a statement that she’s sorry if you are offended at her delayed response about a topic that she’s sorry if you are offended by.

Less a Jackass and more an incompetent CEO. He is clearly trying to run the country the same way and does not even consider that federal government is not a business and can never be run like a business.

Not just quietly, secretly. Unannounced, behind closed doors, with no roll call or record of votes, on a national holiday, under the wire so there was no time to fight against it. A secret vote to give them explicit control over investigations into their own misdeeds. A decision that keeps them from being accused of

Time to play America’s fastest growing game show... which crap and/or fake news report was Trump half watching which stirred him to fire off this latest tweet attacking an American company?

The constant flood of Michelle Obama comments over the last 8 years really do flummox me.

we are now boarding the passengers seated in the no class section of our fight.

People still use screen savers?

Granted, I haven’t read scripture in a while...but this new Jesus seems...well...different than I remember.

What are you doing that you somehow don’t see these folks bleating what they think and how they think from every available outlet? They are not exactly keeping that shit a secret. They are not silent. In fact, they will not shut the fuck up, ever.

...he uses false pretenses to allow her to fall in love with him (what is called dating)

Bullshit. If Jama was a white women speaking French you wouldn’t give a shit. If she was a white women speaking Swahili you still probably wouldn’t have given a shit.

According to CBS, her attorney said that the woman isn’t a “lunatic” or a “racist,” but someone with an “alcohol problem.” Burchard-Risch, meanwhile, had nothing to say, either to Jama or to the court.

Calling out reporters for bad press? I thought they were running a car company, not for President.

I disagree. Chaffetz led the charge in the investigations into HRC’s emails. I did not elect him. I called his office and the offices of others on the committee, and it did no good. Anyone calling his office who opposed his plans was sent to Elijah Cummings’ office instead. His office was completely

That’s one of my rules to live by. Therefore I avoid entering Florida at all times.

Even the guns are fake in wrestling

Fuck this, I’m not dying in Florida

Yeah, but if the police showed up and told them to put up more cones, I would bet that they would have. So I’d still put the techs at mostly to blame.