
Empowered to do what? Destroy their community and commit violence? Do you really think that continuing the chain of violence will have a happy ending? No sir. An empowered black person who has a lifelong suffering build communities, obeys the law and teach other black people how to be a good citizen — just like every

Yeah well, when you are denied education opportunity because the university already has too much Asian while other non-White race gets affirmative action, you can then, and only then, complain about equality and racism. Asian gets discriminated just like other race, and sometimes even more so, yet no one is talking

Of course not, because you are one of those sheltered individuals who knows nothing about being a victim of racism from non-Asian (yes, from Black, White and Latinos) oppressors who are too quick to call someone racist or bigot instead of thinking that maybe there are other races other than black, white and latino

1) That’s no different from Black racist thugs who are empowered by a black president.

Oh please. These racist people already exist way before Trump ever decided to run for office. The BlackLivesMatter movement started on Obama’s clock — racist breed racist — which is the result of having a racist president who had oppressed Whites and Christians in his 8 years as president.

What did they hit?

This “orange asshole” is better than that “I-will-allow-600,000-Syrian-refugees-into-the-country-so-they-can-attack-random-people-in-the-streets-or-run-people-over-with-a-truck-while-watching-fireworks-witch”.

“ICE officials took no action against Beristain for more than a decade”

“...cheating players, which has caused users to grow dissatisfied with the Blizzard Games and cease playing”

This shows the arrogance of any given Dev. If you think the light attack animation is the only visual cue, then you have not been paying attention when playing or watching any fighting game. If I have to explain how this one works, then you failed as a Dev and perhaps maybe reconsider your career path. But let me give

I’ve said this before, she’s not a tank, she’s a support. Nor is she a tanky DPS because that is Zarya (which is also not a tank) who deals way more damage than Orisa.

Well, that is yet to be seen. I’m curious in the results of that poll.

I don’t disagree that PK is really good at what she does but I disagree that she should be banned. Whether other players can handle playing against her or not should also look at how good that player is. The tournament is our chance to see if the claim is true after watching good players playing each other. Banning

Wolfkrone seems to have forgotten his script line.

Pence is overly religious and according to the Bible, once a man is married to his wife, they are but one flesh — the husband is the head and the wife is the body. So, it is inappropriate (and extremely rude) to only invite one and not the other.

PK is a pair of scissors and the video shows that she’s fighting a paper, while a Shugoki, a rock, can trade blows very well with the scissors. So what’s your point?

“Boo hoo, it’s so hard to make games so you just have to suck it up by paying us $60 even though we can’t make a game that relies on player’s reflex better than 30 FPS in consoles. Why don’t you try making one? hur hur

From listening to a lot of people who play this game, PK is not the problem, it is the game in the console having a shitty 30 FPS — it makes her look faster than she is. Then they already nerfed her hard and the next step is just to delete the class altogether even though it is unreasonable. Yes, she’s fast, she has

“Stick and move” is a legitimate tactic especially of an assassin class or class with a low base health bar. If you leave yourself open and they capitalized on it, then kudos to them. Any of the characters can do this.