“Therefore I asked them don’t they have something better to do as cops than to stop people for underage drinking on the beach” ...well, no, dolt.
“Therefore I asked them don’t they have something better to do as cops than to stop people for underage drinking on the beach” ...well, no, dolt.
I’m just mad the trailer looked ass. Like it’s some Hipster’s Rendition of WWII.
If you mistook “enforced” for “forced” and it flew that far over your head, you need to get your life.
*gasps* Oh no...
I cuttt my brotherr in hallfffff
As soon as they opened the trailer with Clay Davis himself I thought sheeeeeitttttt I’m in.
Seems a lot of single females I see buying homes in their late 20's buy the first hole they can afford just because they want a home. I waited and built the home I wanted and didn’t buy one for the sake of buying one.
Anna Kendrick is what Danny Trejo was a few years ago. Just give her a script and she’ll do it.
If I see a “PG-13" I will immediately call bullshit.
No moral reason, I just hate milk ever since I saw it unbleached with blood and puss in it. Pretty gnarly.
Oh my clit this trailer was horrendous.
Sounds fantastic!
Ok but it’s still pretty funny.
I’ll reserve judgement until I, you know, actually see the show. But this vibe looks slower and more haunting than True Detective, so, shoddy title is shoddy.
I was watching Jersey Shore last night, because, reasons, and that Spotify ad with her played over...over...and over again. Tony Montana sounding ass...I almost rage threw my remote. Flip flopping between Cardi B and Snooki and somehow Snooki came out less infuriating. What am I doing with my life....
So Jamie King drives her own S550...that’s...interesting.
Really, Dumbest. Fucking. Name. Ever.
Upon seeing the bite I bet Tiffany did that nails on a chalkboard dance move.
I’ve been looking for a reason to catch up on MCU movies. I haven’t seen Civil War or anything beyond that.
Clover Grill FTW. Every time I go to New Orleans I make an effort after day drinking to hit up Clover. Awesome greasy diner cheeseburgers. I have a portrait of it in my office.