Hans and the twins

Splinter was a damn good website.

I am delighted that not only was he heckled, he was heckled by conservatives. It’s harder to spin that one.

I’m pretty sure Tommy Callahan did the best explanation of cheap vs expensive brake pads ever

I want to see the AWS StatCast numbers for exit speed and launch angle.

Can we retcon him into ‘Fargo’? “Get to the wood choppah!”

Just call it a Taurus and be done with it.

ok xoomer

Boomers deserve every bit of ridicule that can be thrown at them.

You listening Spanfeller?  Don’t fuck with the good parts.

There are people right now worried that they’re not going to live long enough to take delivery of their pre-ordered C8.

Press F to Deadspin Forever.

Thanks I hate it.

oops, F1 is a sport

Asking for a friend... What if we show up and want to talk about something other than cars?

Don’t forget to throw a min-price in there to avoid the mechanic specials.

I ended up with a 1987 Elite scooter and a broken laptop screen.

It happened. Someone suggested the correct answer.

Very appropriate.....

Hey Torch, man, thanks for a bunch of good times here. I’m sorry the site is exploding due to weaponized incompetence, but if it’s any consolation the work you and your colleagues do is great, and I am confident it will soon be recognized by someone who knows how to, say, own and operate a media website.

*Pours one out for Deadspin*