Hans and the twins

Wrong.... Apply the same tech to a small car and the fuel economy becomes far greater.    Also, small cars are dead in the states, not Europe.   We are over sized on everything because Murica!

I’m sure you can have it for $350 if you ask politely.

Low load height, quirky, and cheap? I think I know what you need:

Communism = “Anything I don’t like.”

A Ford Prefect on a different wavelength than everyone else is a successful Ford Prefect.

So, did A&W try a promotion with 1/5th pounders?

And, with BMW eliminating dispsticks in favor of electronic level sensors in the late 2000s, the Germans have been able to turn around and play the same trick on many unsuspecting owners!

It’s still newer than the Nissan Z. Might as well just put it back on the market. 

He’s basing this off that scene in Waiting 

The sad part? This entire hearing will change nothing. Words will be thrown around, folks will bluster and argue over semantics, Pelosi will stonewall any impeachment talk, and we’ll go right back to Fox News doing victory laps for the little fascist-in-chief.

I’m 25. That’s around the age of most of our staff writers. Go ride your horse to the tonic bar, Santa. 

People like Danielle Stella are the reason we have warning stickers on hairdryers telling you not to use them in the shower.  

Why is blaming everything on Millenials still a thing?

Found the only guy on Kinja who also has de Pfeffel as a middle name.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

Britain could have looked at the US, and had all the evidence laid before them about what happens when you elect a idiot, and they did it anyways.

To be fair, though, roughly 37% of New York city residents are 31-year-olds who work at an advertising agency.

So the guy that works for an advertising campaign just so happened to stumble upon something that looks suspiciously like a viral ad campaign? Seems on the up and up to me.

Who is that? Winnie the Pooh?