A Real Live Trans Person

If you’re old enough to have watched young Michael put up 32-8-8 on 54-percent shooting as a 25-year-old and you still think this, you’re an insane person.

I bet Kobe loves Mike so much that he has a Jordan mask at home that he puts on and walks around in, making sure everyone calls him Mr. Jordan while he quotes Space Jam incorrectly.

Tonight’s drinking game: Every time a candidate tries to sound tough regarding Daesh without actually suggesting a plan of action, bury the drink.

Err, yes, she is absolutely a rapist. As to the severity of the sentence I do agree that it’s disproportionate, but not because it is too severe. Other rapists get off too lightly.

It’s almost as if refusing to protect trans people didn’t stop straight men from going into womens’ restrooms to assault children there.

My gif contribution.

It somehow feels even more tragic that she was believed by:

Let’s be fair here. I studied archaeology in school and have worked on several digs, so I am coming from a place of some knowledge. And I’m afraid that I have to agree that having an all-female team *had* to have been a publicity stunt of some sort, and does in fact lead to some questions about the validity of their

yup, there’s definitely truth to that. i would bet large amounts of money that my rapist has gone on with his life never once thinking of himself as a rapist, even though that’s exactly what he did—all thanks to the mental gymnastics these kinds of guys do to justify everything they do and never be wrong about

I’m a guy, and this horrifies me more than I can express.

His statement and attitude was so stupid and offensive in ways he will never comprehend that every racist thing this show does is a weight around his neck.

The fact that every single fucking white person behind the wheel was spectacularly tone deaf to this sort of institutional racism from the outset, thought the episodes were great to air without realizing how tone-deaf they were coming off, and are now falling all over themselves backpedaling away from these

Oh, I see. A “production error.” Quelle coincidence that it happened to be an episode where the lone black woman is voicing her concerns over representation. FOH, HBO & Magical Elves.

Men can be sexually assaulted, too.

Actually, despite male rape being an MRA talking point, feminists were the first champions of the issue of male rape. A man can absolutely be raped by a woman and arousal doesn’t equal consent.


Hopefully this is the Buster Posey of takeout slides.

If you only bring up male victims to derail conversations about female victims, you don’t give a flying fuck about male victims. You’re just using them.