Commander Spicer

The reality is that measure put in place theoretically to protect people can actually cause bigger problems. The gloves work the same way as pads in football. They seem like they’d protect you from the biggest impact but the reality is they just make it easier to hit harder without damaging your hands.

Seriously. I’ve never like pitched my cat backwards over my head like that but I’ve definitely tossed her from couch to floor after like a solid 10 seconds of licking my beard with no sign of stopping.

Yeah, there’s a degree of distance nowadays which, again, I think is probably healthy given what they’re actually doing with their show vs. actual organizing, but they’ve done a lot of work hihglighting things like teacher’s strikes, SESTA/FOSTA opposition. You could argue that “raising awareness” is probably not that

Chapo were a little closer with DSA not too long ago and they work with candidates, donate to/highlight causes, but they’re pretty adamant that people not view listening to their podcast as “doing politics” so they aren’t necessarily out at the meetings themselves, which is probably healthy.

If you know anything about the history of baseball pretty much every major development in the rules of the game has been to mitigate this sort of thing, from the advent of the catcher to the composition of the ball so...what?

She isn’t Chapo though. She’s a part of it, but this feels like a retweets are not endorsements situation here.

I dunno about Red Scare cause I’m not dumb enough to listen to it, but I can tell you for certain that Chapo has done a lot of episodes looking directly at white supremacy.

I’m afraid to even take my kid to see the wooden bat league team in town. The Dock Spiders’ stadium is so small that basically anywhere you sit is potentially foul ball injury territory.

MLS is the high school of professional sports in America. 

See its the hostile response that gets me. Not knowing that you should credit an artist, okay, maybe forgivable. Literally happens all the time and most people who do it mean well. But someone calls him out on it directly and he says “No” and then goes on to make the non-sequitur claim that it’s “ruining the medium.”

The build up to Iraq seemed competent. Like even if you saw through it (for what its worth I was like a teenager so I did not) or were generally anti-war it was harder to poke holes in the case.

What does loneliness or anti-social behavior have to do with any of what I said? Besides which, I can’t believe that anyone who spends as much time on Twitter as he has hasn’t at SOME POINT run across discussion of crediting an artist.

Yeah, but giving up on it would just make me a nihilist so I’m gonna keep plugging away.

Good analysis, I guess I just don’t necessarily find the framework useful. But then I’m kind of a Marxist so my whole goal in life is to try and get people to understand that if you’re a poor white person you have more in common with a poor black person than you do a rich white person.

I’d like to see some figures backing this up, considering that the working class has been steadily growing less white and less male over the past decades.

He’s obviously incredibly stupid. My philosophy has always been that intelligence isn’t so much a measure of how much you know, but rather how self-aware you are of what you do and don’t know. If that holds true then he’s one of the dumbest people alive.

Deployed to Afghanistan for seven months is good? He volunteered while he was working as a consultant, not to get healthcare or a college education. 

Yeah, I think you’re right. I mean just based on what I’ve seen so far, you rarely NEED to engage in combat to actually advance. I ran past more lizards on my way to the Zora domain than I ended up fighting, and I think they’re trying to force you into making decisions about whether you’re going to face up to a fight,

I just got it and on the one hand I can deal with it. On the other, it seems insane to me to have something like that without at least the option to repair stuff.

I’ve got nothing against critique. I’ve got something against telling artists what they can and can’t do before they’ve done it. Essentially my argument boils down to, maybe it’s insensitively done, and yet its not my place to tell her she can’t write and film something like that. All I can do is vote with my wallet