
I love this film, actually have it checked out from the library right now. Watching it next to the last 40 years of movies that traffic in some of the same conventions surprisingly does nothing to minimize its power. My first viewing, I found myself almost distracted as a viewer at odd times, wondering how to “decode”

Almost as good was her pointed inability to call up a career for Philip.

This nearly made me cry. I actually have goosebumps. me, Perth, Australia, 6 hours ago

“I would’ve worked in a factory.” [Pause] “Managed a factory.”

Don Cheadle delivers one of my favorite lines when he runs out of bullets and George Clooney has a gun on him in point blank range:

Maybe the youngsters are about to find out that Communism is not near as “cool” as they thought is was. – erboothe, Gupfport, 10 hours ago

Pastor Tim is a magnificent credit to the minds behind The Americans in that he is, by any really objective measure, the most decent human being on the show, yet the show is able to perfectly put you in Philip and Elizabeth’s (and today, Stan’s) mindset where he is some sort of detestable malignancy.

He sure as hell made the most of it, though. 

Like many a con game or conspiracy movie, the plot does hinge on a couple things going exactly right. In Arlington Road, I think we were supposed to think all contingencies were covered - but I kind of felt they weren’t.

“Can you hear me? I’ll repeat it!” is so powerful in context.

  • I liked that after all the hints it wasn’t Shogun World we saw first outside Park 1. Does the tiger crossing the line of the park without issues mean all the bombs in the hosts got inactivated?

It’s only mansplaining if the woman is already knowledgable in the field/topic. Especially if she’s an expert. It’s the (often incredibly patronising) way that men think they know more about a topic than a woman and need to “explain” it to the little lady. So if you actually do know about a topic that a woman is less

knock knock, who’s there? FBI. – mildly perturbed, london, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago

Deloras did say the valley beyond was a “weapon” that she was going to use against them - so activating a bunch of hidden hosts all over the world sounds pretty good.

I liked Pauline Kael.

She was a great writer.

Oh god. If the “weapon” that brings it all down is a kid that is either a) The Damien of the Host/Human takeover (with a core from Maueve’s host kid, natch) or b) the emotional key to William’s devolution to his Ed Harris self, I will supply the first match to burning the whole thing down. I might even throw in some

Honestly, I thought this was the weakest episode of the series to date. I get that they have to world build for the larger plot, but this was just an exposition dump of an episode. And an obvious one at that. Still good, just... overly obvious for a show that is clever (and then the traditional “Line about things that

My cat, GB Townsend, liked the video of the cat falling over on loop, but I think he had trouble following the plot because there’s not really a way to explain what a “loop” is.

Me know we all supposed to be snarky and cynical about everything, but to be honest, this all sounds terrific. Now me finally will have sensible alternative to showing my kids Ex Machina!

“Dinosaurs are four eight-year-olds,”