
But did they try the lobster quesadillas?

12-year-old Sirhan saw "Con Air" in a theater 11 times that summer.

This Is Us to have ever had most Emmy nominations. Period.

Doesn't a critic's job require a hefty dose of snobbery?

Gugino burn?

Isn't she most likely playing Theodora?

Also, the move avoids a lot of the "yellow peril" stuff that'd come with a comic book depiction of the Pacific theater.

The worst part is I can't wear my Cinemetal Danzig-Herzog t-shit anymore.

Does anyone know the details of Universal's deal with Marvel?

source on that Ailes claim?

None of the links shows the Hitchcock image. I want to see that one.

I love that the Deep Throat one just looks like a mesh of skin.

He's talking to baby Spock.

"'I've known Sarah for years. She's a cute curvy girl who is beautiful and really smart and is killing it every time she gets into the podium in the White House briefing room,' Nance said."

two things, etc


Eh. He kind of had to create the EPA in response to studies coming out re Hiroshima/Nagasaki.