Sir Hammerpants

More countries need to use the British model of appraising finds, giving museums first dibs on buying the pieces, and then allowing the finder to auction them if no museums raise enough funds. Helps keep stuff off the black market, rewards the finders, increases public collections. It isn't foolproof(a while back an

All of this horribly misses the point of pre-collegiate education. The purpose is not to push certain viewpoints or validate your beliefs. You can disagree with evolution all damn day, it doesn't matter so long as you do the work. Pre-collegiate education is intended solely to teach students how to work with

Personally, I think it would make it better. Back in Madden 2007, the be a pro mode allowed you to call press conferences and be a jerk if you wanted. It affected the relationship with your team and others. I thought it was a cool mechanic and always wanted more. If the purpose of these modes is to make the player

I'd buy a better Be A Pro mode game in a heartbeat. I want it to be complete with tabloid headlines and temper tantrums on the pitch.

Know what I'd like more? Friendly AI that actually plays with you as opposed to playing around you. My teammates in FIFA often pick nonsense passes while I'm making a run completely


Know what I'm damned tired of? This manufactured divide between gamers and sports fans.

I love this show. Gonna go cry some happy tears for bit while I think of the final episode.

My face when I heard Batman

Ever been to a game where the Eagles were the away team and they won? I have. It's a miserable experience. Best moment of the game for me was hearing all the Philly fans cheer when McNabb went down injured. Classy. Basically, Eagles fans can give it out and just can't take it themselves. Garbage team, garbage

You can make a case for most Mamoru Oshii films, but the second viewing really made the difference in The Sky Crawlers.

I've been rewatching this recently. Such an excellent series. It's the Gundam series that started me down the road to being a UC purist.

I'm going to reveal what a nerd I am for maritime history and admit that I care way more about the schooner in the background than about the oarfish.

As a longtime fan and reader of the 40k fiction, I think the perfect book to get into the fluff is Helsreach by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. It's exciting to read and eases you into the fiction, being that you require very little knowledge from outside the book to enjoy it. I'd also suggest Abnett's Eisenhorn books as an

Happy Joe Strummer day everybody

I can't rewatch this as an adult though. I've tried.

So much love for Gundam. While I think 08th MST might be my favorite series to watch, I gotta go with the classic 0079 series. Why? Char Aznable, that's why.

Aftermuch deliberation, the Hammerpants have decided.

While I'm normally a "UC or GTFO" kind of guy, Build Fighters has me intrigued. I have a break from school this week, so maybe I'll check it out.

A great movie for Halloween no matter how you classify it.

That's just it. I've always thought the show has a certain literary brilliance. The 4 main characters are foils for every other character they encounter.