Sir Hammerpants

It is. Lots of people I came up in gifted programs, honors, and AP courses with ended up bored and dropped out once they got to college. Unfortunately, I'm in that group as well. My parents had the option of allowing me to skip a couple of grades so I could be challenged. They didn't because they were worried

I can't even tell you how many all-nighters my friends and I spent with this game. One of the best fighting games I've ever played. I've been hoping for a new one for ages.

Mine is Sir Hammerpants. In a forum I used to be on pretty often, my avatar was a gif of MC Hammer dancing in the "Can't Touch This" video that I had edited so that it was just his pants. Other users on the forum took to calling me "Mr. Hammerpants," which just ended up sticking. So when I made my XBL Tag, I

For me, it's a single panel. This is my favorite panel to ever appear in a Batman story. I think the relationship between Jim and Batman is one of the best in comics, and this interaction illustrates it perfectly for me.

Nic Klein. He's done plenty of stuff that I've liked, but the art in Viking has left me in awe plenty of times.

You'll notice I didn't say first entry. Also I stressed that animation isn't why anybody should watch it. If you ever want to fully enjoy a UC show, you should probably know the events that happened in the original series. I also suggested that people who are put off by the animation give the movies a watch. That

Zechs is pretty cool, but Treize is why I still love Wing. Everything about him says 100% player.

I'd be interested to know the amount of overlap in these categories. Most people I know who own tablets and such are gadgetheads and also own a console (or 2, or 3), a smarthphone, at least 1 handheld, and a laptop (in my area, I can guarantee they're on a macbook). If that 26% playing games on their tablet happens

Can anybody explain the popularity of SEED to me?

Actually it does at least sentence the Quarians to death. Consider the Fleet: without the mass relays they can't return to their home system. This causes a sudden, major influx of population with drastically different physiological needs into a now isolated region with limited resources and, as a result, a limited

@PoweredByHentai: Chaos Marines can be killed and according to certain pieces of fluff are actually dwindling in number due to the frequent combat and lack of recruits.

@Kryptolojik: What I find interesting is the things allowed or not allowed. A buddy of mine was forced to remove Gooch from his tag, although it's just his last name. Later that week, we saw a guy with the tag JewRaper. I'm curious to know how Microsoft determines what is or isn't okay.

@wocalax: The instant win is actually my problem with it. I've been in an objective match before where a player on the other team didn't go for the objectives at all, and just camped a corner to farm kills. 3 points from the end of the match, they're down 100, and he calls in a nuke, giving them a victory for

@bowen13: D&D nothing...can you imagine Space Hulk on this?