
Hi there! My friend code is 4554-1325-7105, if you like.

A closeted minister, a gay policeman and a police officer in 20th century Kansas confront friendship, racism and marriage.

My brother got a game called Consortium on Steam that, in the short time he played it, looked to be the lore-heavy action kind of game I go absolutely apeshit for. So I'm looking into that.

I watched American Beauty for the first time this year. My god, that movie is magnificent.

Oh, sweet validation!

It's always the choice. Do I exit and start again, because I really don't want to have to play this level again and got a really good sparkly drop, or do I just deal with not having a unit I've trained and really like?

It's always the choice. Do I exit and start again, because I really don't want to have to play this level again and got a really good sparkly drop, or do I just deal with not having a unit I've trained and really like?

Please. The best …let's call it a comeback is undoubtedly Fire Emblem: Awakening. The last game wasn't even released in the states! The last one that was, Shadow Dragon, was snore-inducing at best, not to mention the "kill your entire army to get 'secret' characters thing. I believe there was talk of ending the

Yes, yes it was. (I'd like to point out to everyone that that quote above is a link, and it is vitally important you click on it.)

That had Toadworth's awesome "EEEEEHHHHHH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH," if I remember correctly.

MAJOR points for inclusion of Invasion of the Friday Monsters. Besides the mentioned father drama, it's also a good meditation on postwar Japan, small-town childhood, the kaiju phenomenon, and a not halfway-bad card game too.

Hmm, for some reason I thought VIII equaled Nine, which I know is considered one of the best of the series, if my friends' opinions are any indication. I don't know how VIII is.

I saw this when it had zero comments, but realized how terrible it would be to make a post that that's never happened before to me on the Gameological/A.V. Club.