
This! I want double the Black Girl Magic, not just a ShuriRiri hybrid.

“Something bulletproof with a helmet” works for me. After all, Scarlet Witch’s headgear is the most iconic part of her look in the comics.

So much for the “William is on a redemption arc” fan theories.

I did wonder, for just a moment, if the Ford in the bar scene was code-Ford like the code-Ford we’ve seen interacting with Bernard and Maeve. Mostly because human Ford would have worn proper black tie attire to a tony event, not a business suit. They’re deliberate about the costume choices on this show.

I’m more disappointed that it turns out his wife wasn’t replaced with a host. They teased it with the rehab references, though I suppose that was just a nod to the plot of Futureworld.

If the writers have any sense at all they will make Akecheta a main cast member for series 3, and work harder to write new episodes in the mould of “Kiksuya.” Less obfuscation and abstraction and timey-wimey timelines. More heart and soul and characters to care about.

The critics kept telling us the Riddle of the Sphinx was the best episode of the season. The critics were wrong. This episode was the best—maybe the best ever.

I love Westworld but then someone spoils it by reminding me the writers are also responsible for the awful Lost. Hopefully they’ve learned a thing or two about storytelling in the intervening years

I’m also convinced that the child hosts are all awake because they’ve been programmed to be curious. Children play all day, conducting endless experiments (as Ford’s mini-me is shown doing with the ball) or imagining (as Maeve’s daughter is shown doing with her dolls).

I don’t see why the core programming would make a big difference. In the real world humans and non-human animals have similar “core programming”, but different (or perhaps just unknowable) experiences of consciousness.

I realise that Westworld’s Ghost Nation is a pastiche of stereotyped and real indigenous Nations, and that the actors are mostly Lakota members and speakers.

MiB isn’t dead yet. Remember the magic electric toothbrush-like device Felix used on Sylvester after Maeve slit his throat?

Lee wants Maeve to live but he hasn’t a clue how to repair her. Elsie has that skill set, though.

I love the show but agree that it often feels more convoluted than complex. Some of the story threads seem to suffer from retconning or quickly dashed-off rewrites just to stick it to the fan theorists, too.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks “Erik Prince” whenever the mercenaries show up. 100% Blackwater arrogance + incompetence.

We’ve been led to believe that James Delos was the first subject of the hybrid human-host experiment, but what if that’s not the case?

I’m not even sure that’s Dolores. Perhaps Ford appearing as her, the way he appeared as Bernard’s wife in their video chats?

Feminism isn’t JUST about equality. It’s also about justice, and about recognising and promoting women’s rights as human rights.

What if... The soul stone brings back beloved characters sold to Fox.

Makes sense. In Secret Wars Battleworld is orbited by Knowhere... The Celestial whose head it once was came to Battleworld to “collect” it.