
awww the AoS fanboy got his feelings hurt. I hope he can still watch the show through his watery eyes…

Agents of SHIELDs new storyline is so long winded because you KNOW the inhumans and SHIELD will be allies and this whole ongoing tension is just a misunderstanding and those are tired and cliche.
PLUS the Inhumans movie is 4 years away, so the show will just be vamping a fake fight with The Inhumans until then?

Agents of SHIELDs new storyline is so long winded because you KNOW the inhumans and SHIELD will be allies and this whole fight is just a misunderstanding and those are tired and cliche.
PLUS the Inhumans movie is 4 years away, so the show will just be vamping a fake war with The Inhumans until then?
The whole point of

Umm actually, the gold wasnt spandex it was a bendable metal alloy, So take THAT radix. *adjusts glasses*

who says he has to be an action villain? he wasnt this past season. Hes a money man, not a fighter. That was part of what made him good, was the new take of the villain.
If they bring in his son, only to make him an action version of the owl, like his comic counterpart, with the hollow bones and crazy hair and razor

true but can they build him to be as likable a character as his dad? its a gamble to start from scratch.

Killing Owlsley was a mistake. I hope the new showrunner brings him back because he was one of the most likable characters on the show.


I dont think the mystery man is Stone. Stick sat and spoke to the guy like he was his boss, not his protege.
Given all the clues so far about how Nobus bosses and Kingpins fear of them, and Nobu obviously being a ninja with The Hand, I think the mystery man is Gorgon.
Hes also blind, or at least fights blind, was

If anything this film was a word of warning to all geeks about the thin line between being a fan and obsession. Ernest Cline's trek to the site with an ET doll in a delorean? We get it, you were alive in the 80s. After viewing it I reminded myself to always find something new to enjoy, and not just harp on the past.

OMG so the backstory for this film is that hank pym and his wife janet were costumed heroes in the 60s/70s, so they should totally do another miniseries like Peggy Carter but set in the 60s and starring original ant-man and wasp! And hank can totally have some classic sideburns and wasp can have her old bouffant hair

This trailer seems to quell most doubts about this film. PLUS the bit with the toy train proves that they are willing to make light of the fact that ant-mans power set has never been the most popular. Though after this film, i expect that to change.

This episode has tons of one liners and gags that made me laugh out loud a number of times. Who farted? they had two…, are you trying to murder me? im nobodys fourth ghostbuster, pop back gag, your explanation is way better, they keep dancing like its today, youre acting kind of spoiled right now, and that janitor

A physical library is much more impressive than a digital one.

All I want is a speedball cameo. Even if its just that bit where he comes in to let them know the pizzas have arrived and realizes everyone left.

Daang, 'Girls' doesnt even get into the regular coverage section this week. What'd lena dunham do?

on VOD, yeah and like 2 theaters in new york and la. The rest of the limited release is on the 20th and when i say limited i mean minuscule. Ima have to drive 2 hours to see it but a film like this you gotta see in theaters at least once.

Ive heard nothing but praise since this film blew minds at Sundance and have been DYING to see it since, alas not being a film festival bigwig, muckity muck, or top dog, seeing films like these is hard. I will not give in to on demand, I WILL find a theater! *goes forth with resolve*

tomorrow 3/13/15.

Goddammit. I have seriously been waiting for a season 2 drop date, and this happens instead. WHYYYY it was so gooooood! Damn you to hell, IFC. If they replace it with Big Bang Theory reruns or something, i will SUE.